Kats Chiropractic Consultants CHIROpulse

172 Chiropractic Business Internet Presence

Marisa Mateja

Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast.  

This week’s topic: Internet Presence for the Chiropractic Office

The KC CHIROpulse Podcast is designed for Chiropractic professionals ready to elevate their practice to new heights and is hosted by Kats Consultants CEO, Dr Michael Perusich, and our dear friend Dr David Kats.  Both docs are seasoned experts in Chiropractic care and business development.  This podcast provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help you create a flourishing and sustainable Chiropractic business.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why you MUST have a complete internet presence
  • How the practice website has lost some of its importance
  • How today’s patients are finding you on the internet
  • Simple tips to make your internet presence easy and impactful
  • …and so much more…

In each episode of KC CHIROpulse, we delve into crucial aspects of building a successful Chiropractic practice, covering topics such as establishing a strong foundation, adopting a patient-centric approach, mastering marketing techniques, achieving financial fitness, fostering effective team building and leadership, integrating technology and innovation, and navigating common challenges in the field.

Whether you're a seasoned chiropractor or just starting your practice, the KC CHIROpulse Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to help you navigate the intricate world of Chiropractic business. Join us on this journey as we explore proven strategies, share success stories, and connect with industry experts to empower you in your pursuit of building a thriving Chiropractic practice.

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KC CHIROpulse Podcast. Helping Chiropractors keep their pulse on success. Thanks for listening.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Chiropractors, how is your internet presence? Welcome everybody to the KC ChiroPulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. I'm your host, Dr. Michael Perusich, and I'm joined by my guest host, mentor, and good friend, Dr. David Kats. Dr. Kats, how are you?

Dr. David Kats:

I'm doing great. The family is good. And I'm glad that we're talking about what we're talking about today. Cause it's one of my favorite subjects.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, I know it is. You talk about this all the time and you and I have had conversations about how important internet presence is for chiropractors. Why don't you just give us your thoughts on the importance of it, and then we'll dive into some of the mechanics of it. Okay.

Dr. David Kats:

There's a saying that If you want to win the race, it's best to ride the fastest horse. And right now the internet is the fastest horse, 50 years ago, it would yellow pages or something like that. It had to be websites. And, but right now, I think you have to put your marketing dollars a lot into the internet presence. Just having a, just have a big pervasive internet presence. So you're seeing all over the internet.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. I think that, that. It really is important. And I love your analogy because yeah, I remember the days of the yellow pages and a lot of you listening out there do. And by the way, if you're watching our podcast today, you probably noticed that the studio behind me here is empty. We are moving the Kats studios to a new location. I won't tell you where it is yet. We'll have a big surprise here at some point, but anyway that's why, but yeah having a good internet presence is incredibly important because. That's where everybody's at. I saw a statistic not too long ago. It was something like, and don't quote me on this, but something like 92 percent of the world population is on the internet at least once a day. That's just crazy.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah that's an incredible, that's an incredible number. And people, when they look for a chiropractor now, they might talk to their neighbor or their friend, but more likely they're going to get on their phone or on their computer and they're going to type in chiropractor near me. Yeah, you're gonna do absolutely. You do chiropractor near me, and there's going to be three of them come up, right at the beginning. And and then you can say, see more and you see a list of them, but you better read on that first

Dr. Michael Perusich:

page. You got to be on the first page. That's absolutely right. Cause people aren't going to thumb through page after page on Google or whatever the the internet browser is. They're not going to. Thumb through all those pages. They're going to look top two or three on there. And then they're going to go look at the rest of your internet presence to see what you're like. That's

Dr. David Kats:

right. One of the things that Google likes when we talk about internet presence, one of the things Google likes is a pervasive. So they want to see you all over the internet. I used to have a business and it was pretty much internet run. And when new patients would come in to see at that business, we'd say, where have you heard of us, who referred you? And they'd say we just found you on the internet. And we'd say. Where were we on the internet? Trying to get specific as to where we should be putting our advertising dollars. We'd say, where'd you see us on the internet? And they'd say, oh man, you're all over the internet. And that's exactly what you want to have for your chiropractic office.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yep, absolutely. It sure is. I hear a lot of doctors, I think. Maybe a little bit of confusion. I hear a lot of doctors say, I'm on the internet. I have a website. I I like things on different social media sites or I boosted a couple of things, Oh gosh, maybe it was eight or nine months ago, but I did boost something. Yeah. Here's one thing about the internet. All these different platforms, they're for profit. There are for profit business. So what does that mean? That means if you really want to move up on the scale, what do you got to do? You got to spend a little bit of money.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Some of them. are happy that they got a website and they think that's going to do it but nobody sees their website. I call some of those websites that chiropractors have. I don't want to offend anybody but I call it cyber space junk because it's like this junk that floats around in space. You know that nobody ever sees but it's satellite parts and missile parts and things like that, right? And that's the way our website is, you made one but it's floating around in outer space and your neck that nobody's ever going to see you on that internet on that website unless they type in your specific name.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yep. Yep. Or they see your website address on one of your social media platforms and they're interested enough to go click on it. It's funny. The website is almost, maybe not fully, but almost going by the wayside of the yellow pages a little

Dr. David Kats:

bit. Yeah, that's right. That's exactly right. That's exactly right. I feel like it's becoming. Less and less important. Now people spend a lot of money on that. They spend a lot of money on websites, things like that. But I think it's becoming less important because everything is going to social media and search engines, basically, when you're going to look for something, you're either going to see them on social media and get interested in them. Or they're going to show up a lot on your social media feeds, and you finally decide to pull the trigger and do something with them, or they're going to show up on the search engines that, somebody is going to search and you're going to come up.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yep, absolutely. Absolutely. And part of the way, though, at least that we've seen. To move yourself up the pages a little bit is not only some paid advertising here and there, but activity, writing a weekly blog or something like that. Probably half the doctors just turned us off when I said write something, it's really not that hard to sit down and write something, if you're passionate enough about what you do, which. I hardly ever find a doctor who's not, find six or seven different conditions, for example, that you're passionate about treating and write something. And you don't have to write something every month, even if, or every week, if you wrote something every month, that would at least help, but it requires activity. Google doesn't want to see you be static. For example they want to see you being active. Yeah, they

Dr. David Kats:

do. And you talk about chiropractors, it should put something on their website, a blog or something on their website, and you say they, they're going to take the time to write it. Here's a couple of ideas. The AI is now wild, it's all over the internet right now. In fact, I had to have to say that I had a my son is in real estate and he said he had his first AI call. They called him and they said, we first, we want to tell you that you're not talking to a real individual. I'm an AI. I'm AI created. Interesting. Yeah. And they said what part of real estate are you specializing in? And he would say I do basically, I look for investors to do residential. And he would say, and they'd say that's good because there's 15 percent of the people want that, but only 7 percent of the real truth. And they could come up with these statistics immediately. And he said that he was so impressed with it that he said he talked to that AI person. They were trying to get him to do outcalling with an AI person. And he said he was so impressed with it that he was on the call for nine minutes with them. And when they got done, they said, thank you. And he said, okay. Thank you. Goodbye. And he said he was thank thanking an AI person, a person that isn't a person. So that's, oh, that's so funny. That's how real, it's that, that the AI is there, but if you wanna create blogs and all you have to do is go to something like chat, GPT. Or some of the other ones who chat, GP, co pilot is another one. And you just go into the bottom. You type you write me a 750 word blog on low back pain in the fifth lumbar region. And it'll write, it takes all forced four or five seconds to write a 750 word blog. Yeah, absolutely. They can do it just like that. That's one of the ways they can do it. Then, there are other software there are other companies. There's Fiverr, F I V E R, and you can get them, and they're live people, and they'll do, you'll write your blogs forever, you just say, I want one blog a month. They'll write your blogs forever. You just give them the topics.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

So yeah, you can even find creative people on there and all kinds of things. So that Fiverr is amazing. We use Fiverr quite a bit. We need to take a quick pause for a sponsor message, but I want to come back, I want to continue talking about creating a internet presence and why that's so important. So hang out, everybody. We'll be right back.

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Dr. Michael Perusich:

All right, everybody. Welcome back to the KC Chiro Pulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and Chiro Health USA. We're talking with Dr. David Kats, and we're talking about how important the internet presence is. And we were just talking about how advanced AI has become and how it can help you create that internet presence by helping you do things like write blogs and those kinds of things, which is so interesting to me. AI is so fascinating because You can go to things like Chad, GBT and ask it to help write you an ad for Google or an ad for Facebook or an ad for, any social media platform. You may have to edit it a little bit, but it's pretty intuitive when you ask it to do things like that. It really

Dr. David Kats:

is. It really is. It's it will do the more information you give your AI. input the more, the better the results will be that they get back to you, the more accurate it will be and the more specific it will be about what you want to talk to. So very important that you, sometimes when we're used to using just a search engine, we type in very few words, chiropractor near me, but with, when you do AI, you might want to write A whole sentence or two, a sentence or two or three about what you want. And then it gives you more specific information.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. And it seems like too, if you have an account, so I play around with it. Some, if you have an account, it gets to know you over time. And maybe this is just me, maybe I'm getting to know it. But it seems to pick up on what you're looking for. Sometimes. So I use it to help find different research articles and statistics and those kinds of things. It's really pretty phenomenal to play around with.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah, it really is. I go to chat GPT a lot, and I've used a little bit of co pilot thing, places like that, but what the chiropractors have to remember if you're watching or listening is that's absolutely free. It's just chat GPT and you're going to, and you just register one time. They don't ever send you anything or anything like that. They don't bug you and you just use their program and you can play around with it spend a couple of nights playing around with it. You'll really be impressed with what it shows.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, it really is fascinating. Dr. Kats, one of the things I hear from doctors all the time is when we're talking about internet presence is I don't have time to mess around with that kind of stuff. I'm too busy in practice. How do, what are your thoughts on how do doctors overcome that

Dr. David Kats:

challenge? That's a good question. I think that you have to dedicate some time, first of all, that you have to dedicate some time each week to work on it. But maybe more important than that, you might have to dedicate. a person on your staff to work, start working on your internet presence because there's so much to do. And again, the search engines, they want, you want, they want you to see you all over the internet. They want to, you want to be all over. And so you have to have your Facebook you're business Facebook set up so that it's complete. Some people just put in their name and address and a little bit of stuff like that. You think about it this way. If Google is looking for you and what has their Facebook one of them accounts totally complete and the other one only has it 50 percent complete name and address who they're going to show first. They're going to show you if you have yours complete, right? Very important. Very important to get everything complete on the internet.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. And these are great things. I think to bring up in staff meetings, docs, you don't have to do all the creativity aspect on your own. Get your staff involved. What are their ideas? What should we post this week? Who's got the most experience in posting things who in the office can really help monitor it. Who's good at writing. Who's good at proofreading, get the entire team involved. And there's great programs out there too, that will help you manage your postings programs like gloomily where you can basically load up a whole bunch of postings in there like blog posts or whatever you can load them up in there and they'll just go and post all your sites every week for you and makes it super simple. That's

Dr. David Kats:

right. You can do that with both the, with both your blogs and you can do that with your post, your Facebook and Instagram and places like that. The one thing they have to remember is that we talk so much about Facebook, but you really have to have Instagram too, because Facebook first of all, Facebook owns Instagram. So they like you to be on Instagram too. The second thing is Facebook is for people over 35 Instagram for people under 35. And once you put something on Facebook, if you type something and put something on Facebook, it's just like one box you click, do you want this on Instagram? Boom, and Instagram, you can only have a video. That's a 60 seconds long, but on Facebook, it'd be longer. But if you just use your Facebook video, keep them down to 40, 45 seconds, and you can use them on Facebook and Instagram as one click to be on

Dr. Michael Perusich:

both of them. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. And doctors ask all the time, what kind of things should I be posting? Here's my suggestion. And then you may have some others come up with 12 different conditions, headaches, shoulder problems, neck. low back sciatica, come up with 12 things, do a 60 second or less video. I liked your idea of 44, 45 seconds. That's perfect. That's the sweet spot and do a short video on it. And then you've got 12 weeks. You could record them all at once. You've got 12 weeks. And then at the end of the 12 weeks, Just repeat them. Yeah. Now you've got 24 weeks. You've got half a year done for you. And then guess what? When week 24 is repeat them again. Yeah. No, you gotta remember people got to see a seven times to remember what they, what you told them.

Dr. David Kats:

That's exactly right. That's exactly what we do. I go out, I still own a chiropractic office and I'm in that chiropractic office right now. In the conference room and but I'll go out just into the rehab area and because we got plenty of room to film there and I'll shoot about I'm going to shoot about six 40 minute segments and I can I talk about PI and that you know that you can wait to pay that you know that they don't have to pay at the time and I talk of just about every condition you can think of and you can run those things. You can run those things. Very few people see him at any one time. You can run those things three or four times, and get, by the way, build up a whole stable of videos that you can run. Don't say Merry Christmas on them, so you can't run them in July, but have it very generic as far as the time is concerned and just if you get it. If you get 13 of'em, that's a quarter of a year. You could run those same things over and over for the whole year, and it doesn't take long to do 13, 42nd videos, number one and number two, it's not a sales job. You're not, you don't have to be hyped up. It's not a sales job. No. It's just information where you're just stand in your clinic and say, Hey, you know a lot of people. have suffered from low back pain. That's the most common thing we treat. I don't know if you're interested in low back pain or not. You would be if you had low back pain. So if you do, just go like that. Very easy. It doesn't have to be a sales job at all. It's just something explaining something. Yeah,

Dr. Michael Perusich:

exactly. It's funny, but I think the more simple they are, the better they are. One of the, one of the ones that got the most traction for us was totally off the cuff. It was a Thursday morning. Marissa said, you haven't done a social media post all week. I need you to go do a Facebook live. And everybody out there probably panics on Facebook live, but I always thought it was fun. And so I just went to the back of the clinic, same thing in the rehab area. And I just held up my phone up here and I said, Hey, everybody, this is Dr. Michael Paroosh with the backbone of health. That was the name of our clinic. And I just want to let you know, it's Thursday. We got a great weekend coming up. Make sure you come in and get adjusted. We're here from nine to five 30 today. Give us a call. Here's our phone number. I'll look forward to seeing you. Yeah. Boom. I posted it literally within a minute. The phone starts ringing. We added about 20 extra visits just that day. This is how powerful social media is and why you need a presence. So don't be afraid of it. And

Dr. David Kats:

one thing that I noticed lately, too, is that people that chiropractors are starting to use it. You know what the reels are like when you go to their reels and the reels have advertisements in them and chiropractors are starting to use those reels and I'm wondering. What's the result will be the return on investment that will be for those reels because you're there, you're watching it, you just watch it for a while before you go on. So that's just another way you can have internet presence. Basically, you got to think about it this way. You're going to have a good You gotta have a good website and to have a good website, you have to have, they talk about SEO and SEO is very important. But here's the basics of SEO. If you want search engine optimization, get information, rich information. In on all of your titles and subtitles, if you say welcome to our chiropractic office, I think you're going to like what you see here. It doesn't tell them anything tells them chiropractic and that's it. You can say, welcome to our office. I think you're going to like what the search engines have nothing to pull you up on. They don't care. But if you said providing back pain care in New Smyrna Beach for the last 12 years, it tells him back pain care, New Smyrna Beach, 12 years. You get a lot to pull you up on.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, that's exactly right. So yeah, you have to drill down on your SEO a little bit to make it work. That's what drives you up in the rankings and creates visibility for you. Yeah, that SEO is incredibly important. You also have to make sure that your backlinks work correctly if you have a broken backlink. So what's a backlink? It's just a link to something else. Maybe it's a, you've got a link in there to one of your blog articles or something. If links are broken, Google doesn't like that either. And it pulls you down in the ranking. So what does that mean? It all it means is go through your website from time to time and make sure your links and things are still working like they're supposed to.

Dr. David Kats:

Speaking about links to this, a kind of slightly different subject, but still on links. One of the things that gives your website more visibility is if you have in links and outlinks to your website. Yo. If you attach yourself to the American Chiropractic Association or your state association or the American Heart Association, those are outlinks where you're sending people out from your website. And those are very important, but in links are just as important. When people send links Say, go visit your website. That's what's important too. So those two things, having links in and out, and you can do that. You can artificially do that. Just put in whoever you want and that'll help you raise your search engine tool on your website.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Absolutely. And some great community links on your website. Perfect. So maybe you have a farmer's market or something. Ask them if you can. Become affiliate partners, so to speak, and you have their link on your site, they have your link on their site. It's really easy to pick those up. If you have a community college in the area and you're involved with it, maybe you're a donor or something or you're involved with a community organization, have those links going back and forth. That's incredibly

Dr. David Kats:

helpful. That's right. And another thing that's going to help your SEO from a standpoint that you can do not the webmaster, but what you can do is to have different articles that relate directly to what you directly to what you treat, if you specialize in extremities, then talk a lot about extremities. It'll raise your SEO there

Dr. Michael Perusich:

too. Yeah, absolutely. Such good stuff. Dr. Kats internet presence, incredibly important. So good patient outcomes, important, good staff management and leadership, important community involvement, important internet presence as equally important as important. Yeah. Hey, thanks for joining me today. I really appreciated you being here. It's good to see you. Thank

Dr. David Kats:

you. I had a lot of fun too.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Thanks. Yeah, this was good. All right, everybody, if you haven't done so yet, go to Kats consultants. com. Check out all the great things we're doing for doctors out there to find true success in their chiropractic business. We've got all kinds of free downloads, sign up for one of our events coming up and just go check us out. So for everybody out there, Stay well, be good and be sure you check us out and Dr. Kats. Once again, thanks for being here. And on behalf of Kats consultants and Chiro health USA, thanks everybody for tuning in and don't forget to subscribe and keep listening to our weekly podcasts. All right, everybody. We'll see you soon.

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