Kats Chiropractic Consultants CHIROpulse

178 Dusting off your Chiropractic Goals

Marisa Mateja

Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast.  

This week’s topic: Dusting Off Your Chiropractic Goals

The KC CHIROpulse Podcast is designed for Chiropractic professionals ready to elevate their practice to new heights, and is hosted by Kats Consultants CEO Dr Michael Perusich and our founder Dr David Kats.  Both docs are seasoned experts in Chiropractic care and business development.  This podcast provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help you create a flourishing and sustainable Chiropractic business.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How important it is to create goals for your Chiropractic practice
  • Why goals are your wish-list for success
  • How goals create your step-by-step plan to fulfill your dreams
  • Some simple steps to setting great goals
  • …and so much more…

In each episode of KC CHIROpulse, we delve into crucial aspects of building a successful Chiropractic practice, covering topics such as establishing a strong foundation, adopting a patient-centric approach, mastering marketing techniques, achieving financial fitness, fostering effective team building and leadership, integrating technology and innovation, and navigating common challenges in the field.

Whether you're a seasoned chiropractor or just starting your practice, the KC CHIROpulse Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to help you navigate the intricate world of Chiropractic business. Join us on this journey as we explore proven strategies, share success stories, and connect with industry experts to empower you in your pursuit of building a thriving Chiropractic practice.

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KC CHIROpulse Podcast. Helping Chiropractors keep their pulse on success. Thanks for listening.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Chiropractors, have you dusted your goals off recently? Hi everybody, welcome to the KC ChiroPulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. I'm your host, Dr. Michael Perusich, and I'm joined by my guest host, Dr. David Kats. Yes, you know the name, you know the man. Dr. Kats, how are you today?

Dr. David Kats:

I'm doing absolutely great. We're having a good time.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Awesome. I see you sitting in your conference room today at your clinic. That's great. I love it.

Dr. David Kats:

That's true. Yeah. I, we have a conference room that's attached to our chiropractic clinic. So I have another business and it's in here, but it's attached to the chiropractic clinic. So I'm always buying chiropractic.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Absolutely. I can't tell you all out there how many times I've sat in that conference room right there. So that's my chair on the far left. Anyway,

Dr. David Kats:

you mentioned you got an empty bookcase behind you.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I do. Yeah, we have exciting news. We are moving the Kats studios to a different location. So stay tuned because we'll have some exciting news in a few weeks. I'm not exactly sure when we'll announce it, but the studios are being moved as we speak. So yes, I'm a little empty behind me, but we're still broadcasting from here. All right, everybody, let's talk a little bit about something that Dr Kats and I find very near and dear to business success, and it's goal setting. Goal setting is incredibly important. In my opinion, my definition of goal setting is that is your roadmap to success because without a goals, without goals, without that plan, you really just are putting your success to chance. Dr. Kats, I've always thought you were the guru of goal setting. You really taught me a lot about how to set goals and how to drive those goals. So let's let's just talk a little bit about how important they are and a starting point.

Dr. David Kats:

Okay. I actually feel myself to be very lucky. I feel like Lou Gehrig said that I, today I consider myself the luckiest man in the world. I feel very fortunate because my wife. Is a consummate goal setter and probably more than once a week probably twice a week She'd say let's sit down and review our goals. Let's sit down and look at our goals. Let's plan some new goals Let's see if the goals are still accurate and it's so nice to have a partner That is involved in goals like she is because it makes all the difference in the world. In fact, you know when you talk about your success in life and everybody has there's a certain amount of success in life when you talk about your success in life. One of the things that you tend to talk about is the people that were successful that made you successful in your life. And those are the most important. But apart from that, the technique. That I think that made me successful to the extent that I am is that I did. I was a consummate goal setter myself. I love to set goals, reach goals, set goals, reach goals. The single most important thing that I. ever did to build my practices, to build my businesses is set goals.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, and I think that's so true. I think goal setting is really fun as well, because it really lets you not only sit down and just really define what you're trying to do and where you're going, But it's really fun to see the progress as you get there. It's almost like making a checklist. And, for me, it's very cathartic to go through at the end of the day, and I got that done, and I got that done, and I got that done, and these two things need to go to tomorrow's list. And that's what goal setting is for me. It's just, it's fun to see yourself driving forward.

Dr. David Kats:

That's right. I sometimes say that I escape to my goals because when you want to have a list of goals in front of you, then it doesn't matter if you're in the dentist's office waiting to go into the dental chair or where you're at, you can open your goals on your smartphone or however you keep them, open your goals and just review your goals and you escape to those things. If you're talking about building a new house, you escape to that house mentally. Okay. And it's very nice to be able to escape to your goals. I think that it's very important. And you said that goal setting was fun. One thing I noticed about goal setting, that's different than almost any other topic that we talk about. A lot of times we have topics where we do the grunt work and then eventually it pays off. But goal setting, you get to start with the most fun thing first. And that is make a list of everything you want to have. do and become. So it's fun to sit down and take your paper and pencil or take your smartphone and put down here's what I'd like and put down all the things that you would like to do have do and become and it puts you into the mood right away. It's you get to do the fun stuff first.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yep. That's absolutely right. We're going to take a quick pause in talking about goal setting. We got to get a word from a sponsor in here, but I want to come back and I want to tell a really funny story and I want to see if you remember this. So hang on, everybody. We'll be right back.

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Dr. Michael Perusich:

All right, everybody. Welcome back

to the KC Chiro Pulse podcast

Dr. Michael Perusich:

brought to you by Kats consultants and Chiro health USA. We are talking about goal setting with. the chiropractic master of goal setting, as I like to call him, Dr. David Kats. So doc, you were talking about how fun goal setting is and you want to start with, and I think this is absolutely right. Start with kind of the wild part of it. What do you want to do? What do you, where do you want to go? What kind of trips you want to take? What do you want to own? What do you want to have? So many years ago you did a goal setting, Session with our team at cats and we just went around the room and everybody wrote down things. And I was actually fairly new in practice at the time. I don't know. I'd maybe been in practice two or three years, still in those, gearing up years. And I wrote down. As my number one goal, I wanted a black, a brand new black Lincoln navigator. And I, and we had a we came back around to this a year later, we had the same session and you asked, all right, everybody pull your goals out. What did you make? What do we need to move to next year? What doesn't make sense anymore. And you got to me and I, he, you said, did you did you reach the goal of the navigator? And I said Yes. And no. And you just looked at me and I said, I got a navigator, but it's not black. It's white. Yeah. Yeah. And so I said, I don't know if that's a reached goal or not. It wasn't the right color, but I still had a navigator in the garage. So it was funny.

Dr. David Kats:

Goal setting. Goal setting is fun like that. It's it's not a, it's not a chore. You don't ever have to, if you're a good goal setter and if you like goal setting, you don't have to force yourself to sit down and look at your goals. You'll look at your goals every chance you get, you

Dr. Michael Perusich:


Dr. David Kats:

every chance you get. And by the way, you do have to look at your goals. On a daily basis really you have to look at your goals on a daily basis In fact, I don't think you can do all you can do for yourself unless you look at your goals on a daily basis So don't go and by the way The goals are just a list of things you want to have do and become like we said There are certain areas of your life you want to look at and start setting goals. You want to set your financial goals your business goals family goals social goals financial goals spiritual goals educational goals, and I have one that I call leisure goals, too. And if you look at all those areas of your life, in fact, you should write down all the important areas of your life before you start writing your goals down. And then you'll write three or four, five, six goals, and you'll say what else? And if you look up and see those categories, you'll say, Oh, yeah. I remember something I want to do now as far as financial, I want to start a retirement account or something like that. And so if you have those categories, it helps you come up with the best goals.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, that's a great way to look at it. I do that too. And You have your leisure category. I have my vacation category. And that's actually first on my list.

Dr. David Kats:

Dr. Perusich, I want to, I hate to interrupt you, but I want to go ahead and I think is important for chiropractors to hear, as when we were in Kats management Kats consultants, we would have these. vacation type seminars for the upper echelon in the chiropractic clients that we had. So I remember going to I think it was Hawaii once. And we had everybody in the room and we were working on goals and I asked them what area of their life there were more most involved with right now. Now, these were people that had a million dollar practice, a two million dollar practice, a three million dollar practice. And you might think that they were saying, I want to make another million or, I want to spend this or spend that. Here's what I found very interesting. Without an exception, there were only about, there were only about 14 people in the room without an exception. Every, every one of them either said their spiritual life. Or their family life. That was one of the, every one of'em said good guys do finish first. Good guys do finish first. And that's why you gotta, you have to have your life in balance. You have to have all of those areas of your life covered. Doesn't mean you have to have something in every category, every time, but you want to have your, you wanna have those areas covered.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

No, that's exactly right. And it's funny you bring up that session in Hawaii. I probably still have my notes on that actually. Because what that taught me was we can't just be always business oriented. And my takeaway from that was creating that balance between business and home. I had a small child at the time and, um, my, my wife and I traveled with you and did those kinds of things. And we had to figure out ways. And that became one of our primary goals was ways that we spent more time together as a family. So don't think that all your goals are about driving your business. That's only a small part of it, and the other thing that I see doctors not do is not planning. So use your goals as part of your plan. And part of your plan should include some time off. It needs to include some spirituality, whatever that is for you, whether it's, more time at church, more time in the Bible, or, burning incense in the backyard and beating a Tom, whatever it might be. But, make sure that you create your goals based on how you're going to balance your life. I think that's incredibly important.

Dr. David Kats:

That's right. And sometimes you'll have goals under financial goals. You'll have six up under spiritual goal. You may have one or under educational, you may have none and family. You may have And I call that when you have one long list like your financial list has six or eight on it. I call that being in your financial season. So you're in your financial season right now. And you say is it okay to have eight financial goals and only one spiritual goal? And you say, yes, because right now you're in your financial season. But if it's stayed that way all of your life, if that's all you ever concentrate on is financial, then you'll be, a Then you'll be out of out of balance, you won't have the, it won't have the happiness that you could have if you had a balanced life.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

That's exactly right. You'll see shifts in your goals over time. When you first start in practice, if you're, five years or less in practice and you're listening to us, you're going to be very positive. Practice driven right now. And so some of your other buckets may be a little lighter on your goal side, but as you go through practice life, you get 10, 15, 20 years into practice. You should see that kind of starting to shift a little bit more, and make sure that one of your goals is to define an exit strategy as well.

Dr. David Kats:

That's very good. I hadn't thought about that one as one of your goals, but that is, that's one of the ways you can tell that you have a good business head. If you have a good business head, so many people that were wonderful people that had wonderful businesses, never designed a exit strategy. And when they die or become incapacitated for some way, their business just pretty much walked off into the sunset, so have an exit strategy.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. And so I'm going to put a shameless plug in here, if you haven't thought about exit strategy, connect with us because we do some great seminars on exit strategy, the bell curve of chiropractic practice value, how to maintain that value over time. These are important concepts that, a lot of us in the profession aren't thinking about, and it's incredibly important because if you don't, if you don't have a plan, you won't go anywhere, or at least you may not end up where you hoped you would.

Dr. David Kats:

And one thing, when you have goals like that you have to put a date, a completion date on, if you have a goal and it has no completion date, you'll push it off into eternity. You'll never get done. But if you have every goal you have should have a month. Date and year behind it that you have this is the day that I'm going to get this done and the day really isn't the day you get it done. It means on or before that date I'm going to get this done. And you know with goal setting, think about it this way I call it the racer's edge. Goal setting gives you the racer's edge. You might think I don't know if I'm going to accomplish great things because I'm not that much better than anybody else. If you spend just a little bit of time concentrating on your goal, just a little bit more, it's that little extra. That makes your goal setting successful. And they often say that it's not the, it's not the blanket that lays on the bed that keeps you warm. It's the part that hangs off the side that keeps you warm. And that's about the way it is. The little extra that you get from setting goals is going to change your life forever.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, that is so true. So well said. We've talked a lot about the process of goal setting. Dr. Kats, I'd like to invite you back and let's dive into this just a little bit deeper and go through some of the intricacies of goal setting and maybe even a session on really what some of your outcomes can be from good goal setting practices.

Dr. David Kats:

Good idea. Good idea. Awesome.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I really appreciate you joining us today. And as always we appreciate everybody listening to us. So be sure to subscribe to the podcast. It's down here somewhere. Subscribe to the podcast. Tell your friends about it. We talk a lot about how to be successful in business in the business of chiropractic. So make sure you tune into us every week. Be sure to check out our sponsors, Kats consultants. com as well as Chiro health USA. So from all of us here at Kats consultants, Dr. Kats again, thank you. We'll see you guys next time.

Dr. David Kats:

Thanks a lot.

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