Kats Chiropractic Consultants CHIROpulse

179 Simple Chiropractic Goals Setting Strategies

Marisa Mateja

Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast.  

This week’s topic: Simple Chiropractic Goal Setting Strategies

The KC CHIROpulse Podcast is designed for Chiropractic professionals ready to elevate their practice to new heights, and is hosted by Kats Consultants CEO Dr Michael Perusich and our founder Dr David Kats.  Both docs are seasoned experts in Chiropractic care and business development.  This podcast provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help you create a flourishing and sustainable Chiropractic business.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How important it is to create goals that are specific
  • Why goals need to be balanced to touch various aspects of your life 
  • Why your goals need to be visible to you every day
  • How simple goals create the roadmap to success
  • …and so much more…

In each episode of KC CHIROpulse, we delve into crucial aspects of building a successful Chiropractic practice, covering topics such as establishing a strong foundation, adopting a patient-centric approach, mastering marketing techniques, achieving financial fitness, fostering effective team building and leadership, integrating technology and innovation, and navigating common challenges in the field.

Whether you're a seasoned chiropractor or just starting your practice, the KC CHIROpulse Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to help you navigate the intricate world of Chiropractic business. Join us on this journey as we explore proven strategies, share success stories, and connect with industry experts to empower you in your pursuit of building a thriving Chiropractic practice.

Don't miss out on the latest insights and expert guidance. Subscribe now and unlock the secrets to taking your Chiropractic practice to the next level. Your success is our priority at Kats Chiropractic Business Advisors.

DISCLAIMER:  The information presented in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to offer legal, investment, accounting, or medical advice.  Seek the consultation of a professional for advice in those areas. And remember…your results using this information may be different than described.

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KC CHIROpulse Podcast. Helping Chiropractors keep their pulse on success. Thanks for listening.

Doctors, do you have a roadmap and a blueprint for your success? Hi everybody. Welcome to the KC KChiroPulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and Chiro Health USA. I'm your host, Dr. Michael Perusich, and I've got a guest star with me today. One of my good friends and mentor, Dr. David Kats, David, welcome.

Dr. David Kats:

Thank you very much.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Good to see you today.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah, it's good to see you. You said that you had moved and we are living fairly close together now, maybe 12, 15 miles apart, so we'll have to get together.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yes, for sure. For sure. So I have always considered you as the guru of goal setting. And you've taken me through a lot of goal setting scenarios and things. And I thought it would be nice if we talked to the doctors out there about just some good ways to set goals, why goals are important and everything that goes along with that. So I'm just going to let you just jump in here and I'll dive in where I can.

Dr. David Kats:

Okay. Okay. Very good. I appreciate that. And by the way, you say you dive in where you can, but you could teach this goal setting class as well as I do because, that's, e everybody learns from somebody else. You learn from me, but you became the master of it, so that's very good.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I appreciate that.

Dr. David Kats:

I have to tell you how I got into goal setting. I was going to a chiropractic convention that the state was holding and they had a guy named, john Shaw that was supposed to come and speak. But when he heard how small the crowd was, he sent his understudy called Rick Ernst and Rick Ernst taught our chiropractic group in the state association. He spoke 20 minutes on goal setting, but he gave me enough information that I drove back 300 miles because that's how far I was on the other end of the state. I had to drive back 300 miles. I solidified it in my mind and I started setting and reaching goals and I never really looked back. In fact there's a lot of things you can attribute to your success and to my success. And part of it was our good upbringing, our parents. I know you had parents that you really loved and looked up to and so did I. And that's one of the ways, but I think as far as a procedure, setting and reaching goals. Was the number one thing that propelled me into success as a chiropractic, as a chiropractor and as a chiropractic consultant.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, I would agree with you. You have to have those stepping stones, it's just like having a roadmap. If you don't have a roadmap, you can't drive across the country. And I know everybody's out there thinking we have GPS, but what if you didn't have GPS? You would just be, wandering in the night. And if you got to your destination, it'd be by accident. And we never want. Our success to be attributed to accidental, it happens sometimes, and that's a bonus, but gosh, we really need those stepping stones, those goals to know where we're going and how we're going to get there.

Dr. David Kats:

You really do. And the first step in setting and reaching goals is really a fun step. A lot of times when you do projects, you got to start out with a grunt work first and you got to do the things that aren't too much fun. But with goal setting, you start out with one of the most fun things you can do. And if people are going to take notes, if you're listening today or watching today and want to take notes, I would really encourage you to take notes because there are like steps. that are involved in goal setting. And the first step is just to make a list of everything you want to have, do, and become. So just put those words in your vocabulary. I want to make a list of everything I want to have, do, and become. And don't worry about what the list is, what if, no, don't worry about what the list is actually about. Just make sure that you clear your mind and say, here's what I'd really like to have.

Dr. Michael Perusich:


Dr. David Kats:

And there, there are there are categories when I start writing my goals down, and by the way, about every. About every nine months, I sit down and I rewrite my goals as though I don't have any. Then I compare the list I just made to the list I already had and see if they still coincide. And to do that, you'll write down about five or six goals real quickly and then you'll say what else do I want? And so here's what I found really helped. There are divisions in your life or categories in your life where you set goals and I have seven or eight of them. I set on physical goals, spiritual goals family goals, social goals, business goals, financial goals, educational goals, and leisure, leisure goals. And if you would just write those things down and every person that teaches practice management has. Between five and eight goal areas of your life that you should be there with. And so just put those at the top of your page and then Think what do I want to do as far as my physical goals and just start making the list of all the goals You want to have do and become

Dr. Michael Perusich:

yeah, and it's interesting how powerful that is, it brings Your once needs and desires, as I call it, it brings them to present time consciousness. And I always love to give this example and dr cats, you probably remember this, but many years ago, I'm not going to say how long, because that'll date both of us, but many years ago, you were teaching a goal setting session and. I had just become a coach with you and those kind of things. And so I was very attentive in that session and you had us write down our goals. And then my wife and I, we went home and we worked on our goals. And a year later, you came back around to the goal setting session. You told everybody, OK, get out your goals. And what did you accomplish? And I had written down That I wanted a black Lincoln navigator and you came around to me and said, Michael now, did you reach your goals? And I said Dr. Kats, yes. And now I said, my goal was to get a black Lincoln navigator. And you looked at me and you said something to the effect of, oh, yeah, maybe you haven't quite reached that yet. And I said, no, I have a white one. Yeah, it's funny to me though, how you almost wish it to come true when you write it down like that. That's exactly,

Dr. David Kats:

that is exactly right. They say you tend to move toward your currently dominant thoughts, right? That right there is the answer. If you. Make a list and you read that list every day and you put things down to move you closer to those goals. You're going to move toward your currently dominant thought and And that's why you reach your goals. They say out of sight out of mind, if you keep your goals in front of you, you're going to accomplish those goals Now there's a few things about making that list that is important are important. The first thing is you could have too many goals or you can have too few goals. I had, I just before we came on here on the air, I looked at how many goals I have. I have 16 goals written down. And to me, that's a little bit too many. I wish I had only 12, but I'm just in an area where I have a lot of goals right now, but I wish I had about 12. I like that. Number, but don't get up to 22 or 25.'cause you're putting down, you're making a list. Instead of making a list of goals, you're making a list of two do. And so that's the first thing. Don't have too many goals. I like 10 or 12, 14 at the top. I have 16, but I wish I didn't. And then don't have too few goals. They, they say that some people don't know what to do with themselves. They some people yearn for immortality and they don't know what to do with themselves on a rainy Sunday afternoon, and so some of us have no goals in front of us. We just don't have anything that we want to do. And so I find that there's two reasons you don't have enough goals. Number one is because you have one goal that is overpowering is so overpowering and that's good. It's a good thing Overpowering that it makes the other goals fall by the wayside Let me give you an example when you were about to graduate from chiropractic college Your goal was to graduate, and when you want to take the national boards and graduate All the other goals like buying a used car didn't seem so important right then because you needed to pass the national boards and you needed to graduate. So it's possible that you have a short list because you're really concentrating totally on one major goal and that's okay. The other way that you might have a short list and it's a sad way and it's not a good way is because you lost your ability to dream. You haven't reached goals for so long. You've been stagnant for so long that you don't even know what you want, and, it's like Alice in Wonderland, a Cheshire cat. They said, Alan said, where he said, where are you going to go? And they said, we don't really know. And they'd say then probably any road will take you there, and if you don't have goals. you don't, if you don't have goals, you become what I call a wandering generality. You need to become a meaningful, specific, and if you have goals, if you have 10 or 12 goals, you got enough goals to get started. You're good. You're started on your goal setting already.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. And you brought up an interesting point. Sometimes we lose our direction a little bit. We lose our ability to dream. And I think we have to constantly find ways to make sure that we're stimulating our ability to daydream, to think like a child really. And to get creative, we get so caught up in the statistical aspect of work and life, and we put too many black and white numbers to things. We've got to. Do some things to bring that living technicolor back in. I know for me, one of the ways that I do that is my daughter and I love to go to Disney. And when we go to Disney, I, it just brings to the forefront for me how somebody can take a dream and turn it into something like Disney. Walt Disney did. And so it shows you that you can have that creativity. And I think it's important to, to, to. To always reconnect with that a little bit.

Dr. David Kats:

Yep. That's where that's very right. It's it gives, I like to go on vacation simply because it's a quiet time where you can work on goals, it's sometime where do you, when you're sitting there and When I first, when you're busy as a chiropractor, I always found this on vacation. The first few days I was on vacation, it was like, hurry up and wait. It's hurry up, get in that line, get in this, because I'm used to, you're, we're both used to working fast. We had high volume. And so it's run around, do this, do that, do this, get in line, plan this. And then, after. 2 days of that. You slow down 2 or 3 days and then you slow down 3 or 4 days when you're in the groove, when you're in the groove, when you're really thinking and planning, you're sitting on the beach, you're planning and you're vacationing, you're having fun with your family and you're thinking and then you think about your goals and you think about big ideas. And you think about big ideas and then and then the last couple of days you say, okay, I'm ready to go home. I've got my goals in life. I'm ready to go home. One thing that you need to realize is some people say I might do this and it won't come true. There's a saying there's a saying that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, you can achieve. And what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe, you can achieve. Now, if you use the reverse of that, it really says this. If you can't conceive it or you can't believe it, you probably can't achieve it. If your mind will let you conceive of something and your heart will let you believe that you can make it. Then you can reach that goal. Then it's your subconscious mind telling you, you can reach those goals. Like for instance here you didn't have, or I didn't have a goal to be bigger than Apple computer by the end of this year, we didn't even conceive of that goofy idea and so we didn't conceive it. But now we conceived it. But does your heart believe it? Do you really believe you can be bigger than Apple computer by the year? No, and so your mind your won't let you set that goal So the reverse of that backing into that it really says this any goal that you believe You can achieve and so that's the time of the week right now.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

So true. So true. Said, we're going to take a quick little break. We got to hear a word from our sponsor, one of our sponsors. But I want to come back and continue exploring this doctor cats if we can. Hang on. Everybody will be right back.

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Dr. Michael Perusich:

Hi everybody. Welcome back to the KC ChiroPulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. I'm Dr. Michael Perusich and I'm joined today with my good friend, Dr. David Kats. We're talking about goal setting for chiropractors and how important this is, this process is. And David, you were just talking about the fact that you have to be able to believe You're in your goals to be able to achieve your goals. So you can't just have the idea and you put up the idea of being as big as Apple computer by the year, by the end of the year, you can't conceive that. So you can't believe it. And so you'll never achieve it. And I totally agree with that process. But those next steps to setting those goals, once we've. Accomplish the idea that, Hey, I really think we can achieve this and we've got it down on paper and we're looking at it every day, what are those steps to be able to bring it to fruition?

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah. One of the steps, maybe a small step, but an important step, and you alluded to it earlier, Dr. Pruce, you said you had a goal to have a. a black Lincoln Navigator. If that was specific, you had specific information that there was more specific information than just that. But your first thing is your goals have to be specific. If you just said, Oh, someday I'd like to have a new car, you probably wouldn't reach that goal because the goal isn't specific. When you have a specific goal, you can envision that goal. and then when you envision that goal, it helps you move closer to the goal because the subconscious mind doesn't know the difference between what's real and what's vividly imagined. And when you see a specific goal, you can vividly imagine that goal happening. And when you vividly imagine that goal happening, then you have a specific goal. So go back to those of you who are listened to earlier. And you made it, you're going to make a list, make sure your list is specific, make sure your list is specific. Now, some goals are very easy to be specific lose 10 pounds, that's a specific goal. If you're 200, you go down to one 90, you made it. But what about. If you want to become in shape, go get in shape. You can't say I want to get in shape because that's not specific, but if you said something like this on or before October 15 2024, I want to have run three miles a day, five days a week. for a month. And now that's a specific goal. You check off which day when you do it, when you're done, you reach the goal, you've created a habit of being a runner. And so you gotta have your goals have to be very specific be very specific. And then by the way, you have to put dates on them. You have to put dates and don't put a year or a month, put a month, a year and a day, a month, a year and a day. So you're going to do it. October, 24. 2024. And so be very specific because else your goals just get pushed off in the future and they have no urgency. You don't have to have urgency with your goals and you have to set specific dates. So by every day, every goal, when you make a list of your goals, put the date, the day, the date, month, and the year.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yep. It's really important to be specific about that, that if you leave it dangling out there, you'll just never get there because it's too easy to just put it off. And I'll work on that tomorrow. You've got to really box yourself in, so to speak, on having that specificity. Several years ago, many years ago we were stuck in the clinic. We 44 patient visits, and I just was Tired of just being stuck. We'd been at 44 patient visits on average for six months and I just walked in one day and I threw a piece of paper down on the table in our staff meeting and it said 88 and I said, that's our number. We're going to go to 88 and here's how we're going to do it in 26 weeks. Half a year, six months, we're going to be at 88 and we're going to make these incremental changes and incremental steps to get there. About 14 weeks in Marissa came to me and said we didn't make the 88 goal yet. We're at 99. Sometimes when you're, when you put your mind to it so much, you'll actually achieve it sooner. But if you don't have a date on that goal, you'll slide right past it without ever getting to it.

Dr. David Kats:

That's right. That's exactly right. And one thing that becomes inherent in setting, writing these goals is you have to record them someplace where you can look at them daily. And we'll talk about that in just a little bit, but you have to record them someplace. And I want to share with you the one that I use. You may use, I'm sure you probably use a different one, but right now, when you set your You have to have the list in front of you. And the way you're gonna have your list in front of you is really to have a cell phone and get a todo list. Now I use one called Todo. Now it's TODO and If you see it when you download, it's by Microsoft. In fact, it used to be called Wonder List. And Wonder List was so good that Microsoft bought'em out. So it's to do. It's the best list program for setting goals that you could you could ever have, and it's free, totally free. It's just a little white box with a blue check mark in it. That's the icon that it has. And you should all go and download to do the to do list today. And on one of those go, I can't remember if it comes automatically with a goal, one of the lists that says goal, or if I put it on there so early on, I forgot about it, but there's one list that I have that's called goals. And it's just like today. I looked at my goals today and I rearranged some of them a little bit, but it's very important that you get your goals in front of you so that you can read them every day. And the only, my, my wife carries a day timer, a little one that she still hands writes in and she's always looking for that day timer. We're always forgetting it when we go to a restaurant or something, work on goals. Whereas if you have it in your, if you have it on your to do list on your goals written down, you're never going to say, okay, where's my, where are my goals? You can tell

Dr. Michael Perusich:

her I said to upgrade her technology.

Dr. David Kats:

That's right. That's right. Do you use a list type thing?

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I do. Yeah. Something very similar. I used to use to do But now I use I, I think it's called one note and it's just a very, yeah, it's just a very simple program that you can create all kinds of lists and move things around and there's all kinds of things out there. You know, even just, um, your notes app, if you have an Apple phone your notes app would work for things like that too. So you don't have to get fancy and there's, I did a little cursory look out there in different apps out there and my gosh, you can spend hundreds of dollars on these apps. And the crazy thing, in my opinion, is you don't need to do that.

Dr. David Kats:

You don't need to spend a penny. Yeah, it's the good ones. I think the good ones are free. I think the good ones are free as you can said, as I say, so just get one of those apps. It doesn't matter which one. It's just that you're comfortable with the one you get and it takes a while. I went, I'm I used to have the old carry old daily planner, I saw my goal planner instead of my daily planner. I have my goals in it, then I'd switch to the phone and say I'll go back to the planner and switch to the phone. Finally, I said, I'm I switched to the phone and it's It's the way to go now. It's the way to go to have your that is then you can read them daily and that's really the next step in goal setting is to read the goals daily to look at read the goals daily. And by the way, when you put your dates on the goals, put those there too. And then you have to say, when you set the date, you have to say, if everything goes okay, when can I reasonably expect to reach my goal. What can I reasonably expect to reach my goal? And then that's your goal, your day, your month, your day, your year. That's your goal. Now, when you get that down, then read those goals daily. Some people like to do it at night and plan their next morning. I like to do it in the morning. I look at my goals in the morning and go over them and see where I've got to go and what I've got to do. And I just feel I'm fresher then, but you do it is that there's no Cut dry rule on that. Do you look at your goals at morning or night?

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I do it in the morning. So in, and I have this very regimented routine. So when I get out of bed, I read my devotional and then boom, I hit my goals. I look at my goals cause that it just gets it in my mind for the day. Just right off the start, right off the get go. And then I peek at them again before I go to bed at night.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah, no, that's right. And so you read your goals daily. And by the way, Read your goals other times too. Now, I don't want to get you to be a careless driver, but sometimes I have my GPS up on a thing where I can look at it when I'm driving, my phone that uses my GPS in my car and I can switch that to goals and I can glance at a goal and then I can drive, especially I'm driving open road, like between two states or something like that. Open road. I glanced at that and then I read my goals or here's another time. Would you go to the dentist and wait in the dentist's office? instead of listening to them drilling in the back, escape your goals, read your goals, and it'll give you some forward motion. Read your goals, list your goals, read them daily, get them in the app, read them daily and then from that step, you got to do something about it. See, so far, yeah. You're just you put down a bunch of gold, but if you don't put an action plan behind it Now you're just you're a daydreamer, you're it's a pipe dream. It's not a goal. It's a pipe dream So you got to put action to it. So every day when you read your goals You say this what can I do today? to move me closer to this goal and usually there will be some little step. I don't care how small it is. There's going to be some little step that'll move you closer to that goal. Now, sometimes you can't. Some one of your goals may be to sell your house and you've done everything you can do to sell the house that you can think of. Maybe you can't put something down for that goal today, but try to put something down on your to do list of things to accomplish in reaching those goals. So I, I read the goal and the goal may say I don't know, the goal may say start a podcast. And if you, when you started this podcast, you may have said I need the right equipment. And so you scout out the right microphone, the right cameras and things like that, the right software. And so you find, you read your goals and then you say, what can I do today to move me closer to that goal? And you write it down and that's your to do list for today. Now, in addition to those goals, you're going to have, you have other things because your goals are important. They move you closer to your goals. Those goal lists, the goals you get on your list are important. The things to do that reach you the goals are important because they reach you, help you reach your goals. Urgencies will also come in. Things you have to do today like license your car or 10 CEU seminars. I got 10 CEU seminars this weekend and so that, I have to put that down as things you have to do. They get on your to-do list too or pick up your laundry, pick up your dry cleaning or something like that, or get the oil changed in your car. Those little things will get on your list too, but get them on the list along with the important things and those are the things that pertain to the goals.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. I keep a parallel list of. One's to do some one's goals, and sometimes things from my goals come over to my to do's because those are my action steps to get to my goals. So we're going to take it. We're going to take another quick little break here. I'm getting the signal for another break. So we're going to hear a quick word from our sponsor. We'll come back and we're going to continue talking about setting these goals.

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Dr. Michael Perusich:

All right, everybody. Welcome back to the KC ChiroPulse Podcast I'm sitting here with Dr. David Kats everybody's friend and mentor. So David, we appreciate you being here today. We're talking about goal setting and how important this is. And we were just diving into the action steps of making goals happen and the difference between a to do list and your goals. And how little things on your, from your goals may pop over to your to do list as you take those steps towards reaching those goals.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah that's right. And sometimes, if you've read what was it? Um, I can't, uh, Seven habits of highly influenced who, seven habits of highly

Dr. Michael Perusich:

effective people. Yep. Tell me that's who,

Dr. David Kats:

He suggests that you get things that are important on your, that you began with the end in mind that you began with the end in mind so that you know what you want when you start reaching your goals and you have to make that list and then you just work that list, you work the list every day, make a list, work a list, make a list, work the list, and it's gonna. Move you closer to your goals. And every day, you gotta say, you gotta think, what can I do today to move it closer to my goals? Now, people say, aren't you ever happy? You always have to have more goals. Aren't you ever happy just where you are? Listen, I'm always happy while I'm reaching my goals. I'm always happy by reaching my goals. In fact, the way I wouldn't be happy is if I didn't have a goal. Exactly. It's reaching your goals that make you happy. And then you'll have, then eventually you will become what you desire to become in your life.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

You bring up a really good point there. I hadn't really thought about that before, but your goals do lead you down this path of happiness because there's such positive affirmation that gets attached to it when you reach a goal. It's wow. Let's throw a ticker tape parade because it just feels good and it drives you to want to do it more and more. I agree with you. If you don't have goals, I'm not real sure how you keep yourself in that positive framework all the time.

Dr. David Kats:

Yeah. And we tend to think that when we think about goals when you're first starting, you may think about, Oh, this is a goal to make more money to build my clinic bigger to buy some new equipment. But really you have to have you have to have you have to have a roundness in life. You have to have completeness in life. And so a lot of your goals are going to be on family issues like, like one of I have, I don't live close to my children. So I'd say my adult children. So I'd say. Okay. call them more frequently, text them more frequently. That's one of my goals to contact the kids more frequently to stay in line with them. In fact, I have to tell you, we were in Hawaii and Dr. Proof, you may remember this. We were in Hawaii and we were doing a goal setting session. For remember we were doing a goal setting session for these people and these people got million dollar practices Two million dollar practices three million dollar practices and this is already 15 years ago, or 20 years ago. And so they had big practices because to have a two or$3 million practice 15 years ago was a big practice. 15 or 20 years ago. And it was 18

Dr. Michael Perusich:

years ago to be specific.

Dr. David Kats:

18. Was it 18 years ago? Yep.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

How do

Dr. David Kats:

you know that?

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Because I remember how old my daughter was at the time.

Dr. David Kats:

Okay. Yeah. And thing you'll find. Rememb start talking in the podc have to have goals for yo your spiritual health, yo your goals, your work goals, your business goals. And you would think that these people that got two and 3 million practices, 1 million practices, they're all going to say, where can I make some more money? Their goal is going to be all money without. Any exception with not one exception of everybody that was in the room. There were only probably about 18 people in the room, but of, without one exception, every one of them, their one number one and number two goals would be family. or spiritual. That really It was family or spiritual and you know what? Nothing made me happier to hear that because you have to keep everything in perspective. There's a verse in the Bible where story in the Bible where a guy has all these storehouses full of grain. And he says, I'm going to tear down those storehouses and build even bigger ones. In other words, he was going for more and more money. And in, in the Bible, it says you fool tonight, your life is going to be required of you. And so you got to what you got to keep all your goals in perspective, spend as much time as you do on your spiritual, your family, your physical, and there are different seasons. There are different seasons for goals. And please ask these three, it says for everything, there's a season and you might be in your financial season right now where you have a lot of financial goals and you may not be in your spiritual season. That doesn't mean you're not a good person, that you're not a spiritual person. It just means that right now, that's not the main one. Eventually, that will percolate to the top, but you have to keep all your goals in perspective. It's very Just think about it this way. There's never been a man that on his death bed raised up on one elbow and said, I wish I would have spent more time at the office. So perspective. And

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I think goal setting really helps you create that balance, especially when you line out goals for all the different buckets from family to spiritual, to business, to leisure and all those things, it really does help you Create that balance so that you're not so heavy. And I see doctors do this all the time. They're spending so much time working on their business that they lose that balance on the other side and family and leisure and those kinds of things go by the wayside. Sometimes

Dr. David Kats:

That's exactly right. When everything is said and done, it isn't how much more money you made today. Now, I know that you joined a management company to build your practice and to make more money and to help more people, but that isn't those are Great goals and wonderful goals kept in perspective with all the other ones, all the other ones, so

Dr. Michael Perusich:

exactly so true. Dr. Kats, this has been a great conversation and I hope everybody out there listening really takes. Heedons to really sitting down and setting your goals and defining out what's important and where you want to go with your practice, with your family, with your leisure time, with your spirituality, whatever that means to you, make sure that you're really focusing on creating that balanced life. And I love what you just said in the end, when we get down to the end and we're getting ready to go visit the maker, it's not about how much money you made. It's about the impact you had on life. And so keep that in mind as you're putting your goals together, make sure that you focus on all the buckets, not just the business side, because making more money while it's nice and it is a goal for most of us. It shouldn't be the only goal.

Dr. David Kats:

That's right. I'd say one more thing, when everything is said and done I said to my wife, I'd like on my tombstone kidding, cause I won't have a tombstone, but what I'd like to have on my tombstone is simply this, he helped a lot of people. He helped a lot of people. And that's why you are where you're at. That's why we got together. You and I got together because you're Direction is exactly the same. You could do a lot of things in your management company to make a lot more money. You could bring on a lot more clients. You'd be a lot more salesy. You could sell a bunch of product and things like that. But the truth of the matter is the reason I saw you early on is because you have a goal to help people. And there, there's no consultant. Worth their souls if their primary goal isn't to help their clients. And that's exactly what you do. And, so you want to get to the place where you say as chiropractors to you when you go out of life, I hope you burn brightly like a candle born brightly from beginning again, flicker a few times you go out, but when you do go out, I hope they say to you, he or she helped a lot of people.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Well said. I think that's a great ending spot. Dr. Kats. It was a pleasure. Thank you so much for joining us today. It was good to see you. And I look forward to getting together with you soon and everybody out there. If you haven't done this yet, go to cats, consultants. com. Check out some of the things that we're doing to really help doctors have great practices that are profitable, but also finding that balance in life. So make sure you're setting your goals. Make sure you're subscribing to our podcast. Tell everybody about it. We're growing like crazy and that's because of you listeners out there. So we appreciate you. All right, everybody. Thanks for tuning into the KC Chiro Pulse podcast brought to you by Kats consultants and Chiro health USA. We will see you all next time.