Kats Chiropractic Consultants CHIROpulse

192 The Self Driven Chiropractic Entrepreneur

Marisa Mateja

Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast.  

This week’s topic:  The Self-Driven Chiropractic Entrepreneur

The KC CHIROpulse Podcast is designed for Chiropractic professionals ready to elevate their practice to new heights, and is hosted by Kats Consultants coaches Dr Michael Perusich and Dr Troy Fox.  Both docs are seasoned experts in Chiropractic care and business development.  This podcast provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help you create a flourishing and sustainable Chiropractic business.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why being self-driven is important when you own your practice
  • How your personal drive can make you are break you   
  • Why adaptability and innovation are paramount to you prosperity
  • How to focus on executing your plan and vision 
  • How to cultivate your own personal discipline 
  • …and so much more…

In each episode of KC CHIROpulse, we delve into crucial aspects of building a successful Chiropractic practice, covering topics such as establishing a strong foundation, adopting a patient-centric approach, mastering marketing techniques, achieving financial fitness, fostering effective team building and leadership, integrating technology and innovation, and navigating common challenges in the field.

Whether you're a seasoned chiropractor or just starting your practice, the KC CHIROpulse Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and practical advice to help you navigate the intricate world of Chiropractic business. Join us on this journey as we explore proven strategies, share success stories, and connect with industry experts to empower you in your pursuit of building a thriving Chiropractic practice.

Don't miss out on the latest insights and expert guidance. Subscribe now and unlock the secrets to taking your Chiropractic practice to the next level. Your success is our priority at Kats Chiropractic Business Advisors.

DISCLAIMER:  The information presented in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to offer legal, investment, accounting, or medical advice, and represents the opinions of the speakers.  Seek the consultation of a professional for advice in those areas. And remember…your results using this information may be different than described.

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KC CHIROpulse Podcast. Helping Chiropractors keep their pulse on success. Thanks for listening.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Chiropractors. Are you a self driven entrepreneur? Hi everybody. Welcome to the KC ChiroPulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. I'm Dr. Michael Perusich joined with my cohost, Dr. Troy Fox. Troy, I'm telling you this conversation, you and I started talking about this before we got in the studio. This is going to be epic. This is just, we're going to rock everybody's world on this because if you're not being a self driven entrepreneur, you're not even remotely tapping into your true strengths and your true ability to succeed, you're leaving prosperity on the table.

Dr. Troy Fox:

A hundred percent. And you are also really under realizing your potential for life. You'll be much happier once, once we get done with you today, you will be much happier if you follow 40 percent of the advice we give you, it's going to be phenomenal. We're going to talk about how to get where you want to go. And a lot of people really say they want to do that. And they go to a lot, we go to a lot of seminars and you go see somebody rah, into the next week. By Wednesday, it's all gone.

And you're right back on Tuesday.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Yeah, because. You didn't make a change. You just got rah rah'd into thinking, Hey, maybe somebody else to make a change for me. And somehow I'm going to benefit from this. It's like being a lottery winner. If you win the lottery, it's pretty easy. Because you really didn't have to do a whole lot other than buy the ticket. But if you were to build an empire, you actually have to do some work and everybody knows that it doesn't just fall in your lap.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

You just hit on something interesting because how many people do we hear about that win the lottery and they just blow through all the money? Yeah, it's because they didn't have to work for it. They didn't have any skin in it. This is the great thing about being an entrepreneur is you have skin in what you're doing. And so the more you earn, the more skin you've gotten the game, the more you learn how to be a bigger and better entrepreneur. I can't talk. I'm so excited, but you've got to, you've got to drive, you've got to be self driven. It doesn't just happen. Somebody a long time ago, I don't even know who said this, but success doesn't come to you. You have to swim out to it. And I love that because it just makes so much sense. It doesn't come to us naturally. We have to go, we have to go find it. We have to go drive it in the, in, into the bank. We have to go out and swim to it. We got to be a shark always on the hunt, always on the prowl for those opportunities. We got to swim out to success.

Dr. Troy Fox:

I've always thought of it as blood as success comes with blood, sweat, and tears. If you're not doing one of those three. Yep. Then you probably are coasting, which happens. We all do that. We all hit peaks and valleys. That's very normal progression when you grow is to hit peaks and valleys and so that progression is okay. But I always know that when I'm not, when I don't have blood, sweat or tears, one of the three. I probably, I'm probably coasting and that means I'm not pushing myself and I'm not growing. And we're going to talk a little bit about that as well.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I had somebody the other day tell me I was lucky that I was so successful. They said, you just said you're just, we're in the right place all the right times. No, that's not really how it works. At least it's not how it's worked in my world. I've had to work for it. The blood, sweat, and tears. Are you kidding me? You know how many times I've bled, how often I've sweated, and how many tears I've shed as I've gone through? That's the self driven aspect of this.

Dr. Troy Fox:

So let me ask you a question and I think I already know the answer. How many times do you hear from other self driven entrepreneurs or people that are high functioning individuals, right? And they may not even look at it. I know some high functioning individuals that were like. Overalls every day in tennis shoes. And they're like high functioning high, generate all kinds of income, it's crazy, and they look like they probably just rolled out of their car because that's where they're living. So how many high functioning individuals, most don't, there's, I'm talking about more, some rural types that really have made some decent, but they've worked their tail off for it. But how many high functioning individuals have you seen that say this phrase? I can't, I'm unable to, or this doesn't work in my area. Yeah. And so what do we hear from clients that are failing or struggling to take that next step and get over the next hill I'm unable or unwilling. To attack this task and I'm unwilling and unable to take this sacrifice to get to the next level. So if you're comfortable where you're at, man, I'm more than happy for you. Cool, cool beans. If you want to see patients a day and you want to barely skim over the treetops and have to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich every day for lunch, because you can't even afford to go out to lunch, But I'm not telling you, you can't do that. You do what you want to do and I'll be happy for you as an individual. I'm not going to scold you for that. What I am going to tell you is if you want to grow, you have to be in the game. You have to have skin in the game. And you have to take some risks and some sacrifices to get to that point. And if you're not willing to do that, then I can't help you. And that's fine. It's okay. But you can't tell me I can't give up my chocolate mocha latte every morning because I'm trying to save enough money to do oh, I can't give that up. Okay. Then I can't help you. Or you're trying to lose weight and it's 1, 200 calories for that little drink. You can't give that up? Okay I can't help you. So if you can't take the risk, or you can't take the time to learn maybe a new service in your practice, and you're like, Oh, I can't do anything else, or that wouldn't work in my area. Okay, I can't help you. It's real simple, but I'm not going to fight you on it because I can't drag you kicking and screaming to the well.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

And we often hear that manifested in things like that won't work in my town. Yeah. It comes across as these funny excuses. So I just wrote this down based on what you said. This is going to be the title of my next book. Failure is not an option because I don't like peanut butter sandwiches. Boom. I think that will be on the bestseller list. Almost going to be on the bestseller list. Hey, we got to take a quick break and listen to a word from our sponsor, but I want to come back to right. And. You and I've just just thrown a few things down on paper. I want to talk about some of the steps that are involved in being a self driven entrepreneur.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Absolutely. And for you guys listening, as we come back, we're also going to talk about why. People that are successful continue to be successful once they figure out how, and I'm going to, I'm going to tell you this from a brain center standpoint because it's actually neuronal how it works.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. This is going to blow your mind. Yeah. All right, everybody. You're listening to the KC Chiro Pulse podcast brought to you by Kats consultants and Chiro health USA. We're talking about being a staff driven entrepreneur. We'll be right back.

ChiroHealth USA:

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Dr. Michael Perusich:

All right, everybody, we are back and ready to blow some minds here. We're talking about being a self driven entrepreneur and try. I'm just going to dive in here because you and I, this is our first step in any thing we do. You have to develop, number one, you have to develop a clear. Vision and have great solid goals.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Yeah. A hundred percent. You just can't start. That is the basic, most basic building block. And it's a stumbling block for some people because some people worry and listen to me, folks. You worry, I'm not going to be able to achieve those goals. So what do you do? You procrastinate and don't write them because you don't think you're going to achieve them. So it's really a catch 22. You gotta ride them, but. Dr. Paroosh, you and I just got through with a mastermind class where instead of spending 12 months to reach a goal, what did we do?

Dr. Michael Perusich:

It's the 12 week year. Yeah. Yeah. If you haven't read this book yet, phenomenal. It's incredible. It's a life changing book because what it does is it helps you create goals that are motivational. Why? Because you're working on them over a quarter, not an entire year, and it shortens up the time frame so much so that your goals become much easier to meet because. You get rid of all the fluff. There's no time to procrastinate

Dr. Troy Fox:

forces you to take action. I almost think of it as my refrigerator is getting empty. I need to put together a grocery list and I better get to the store. I'm not going to have any food left. And honestly, it's almost like that kind of urgency when you do that. So goal setting can be really fun. And we do a lot of stuff with goal setting within Kats because we think it's that important that you do it But man, it's like when you do it in the 12 week cycle, holy cow It gets wild and woolly, but you're not writing as many goals folks So if you haven't if you haven't read the book But it's lean and mean you're leaning it down So that way instead of putting a bunch of fluff in there, like you said We're getting down to business and that's what I love about this way of, everybody's looking for a better way to goal set. I think this is a really great way to do it. And it really gives you the opportunity to be successful.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

It's huge. Yeah. Another thing is. And this kind of goes along with having good goals. You talked about procrastination is born out of a lack of discipline. And that's the thing you have to be self driven is you have to have discipline.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Yeah. Is this where I jump in and Tell you about the brain stuff. This is blow your mind. Good. So

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I'm telling you if you're listening out there, and if you just heard me say that, obviously you're listening, but if you're driving or something, you might want to pull over for just a second because this will blow your mind.

Dr. Troy Fox:

And I don't have the research in front of me, so I'm not going to name the brain center. This is new research. It just came out in the last couple of weeks. There's a brain center in the frontal cortex. That actually expands when you, and I've used this terminology before, when you embrace the suck. In other words, you do things that you don't want to do. And here's what's wild about it. So Dr. Paroosh hates running and he goes out and he runs. And then all of a sudden he starts liking it. His brain center expanded because he embraced the suck. It doesn't matter what you do. It's just embracing things that you don't like to do. Will it gives you a voice and we're going to talk about that voice in a second, but what it does, it expands that brain center. What here's the bad news. The bad news is you have to keep pushing yourself. That's why, when you see those top 1 percent are entrepreneurs, they just seem to never slow down. You know why? Cause they're pushing all the time and they're embracing the suck because when they get comfortable, they push to the next level because what happens is when Dr. Paroosh goes out and runs and now he's running three miles every day. And he actually says, you know what? I like to go for a run. That brain center starts to shrink. Now he needs to do something else. He needs to run a hundred miles or he needs to, jump through flaming hoops or something that really sucks, or maybe do some Navy SEAL training and go down and get, covered in sand and grit, but he's You know, whatever. So let's talk about why that works for individuals. So the person that's high performing does this, they number one, challenge themselves to things they don't want to do. Not just challenging things that, Oh, I'm up for that challenge. That sounds really cool. No things that go, God, that sucks. I don't want to go do that. And you do it. You keep. And what happens is that little voice that's in your head that you wake up with every day. And if you don't hear this voice, you're probably listening to yourself. This voice tells you every day that you suck. You suck. What you're doing sucks. You're probably going to fail. Probably what you're going to do this time isn't going to work just because it did last time you still suck. And it's just this constant barrage of negativity that comes into your brain. And once you start conquering that and you have some successes with things that suck. That you knew that this little voice told you couldn't do all of a sudden you can go. You told me I couldn't do that, but I did. You told me I couldn't pass that test, but I did. You told me I couldn't build this practice, but I did. And you keep pushing and keep embracing the suck. That voice gets bigger and bigger. And that's how really good entrepreneurs become these confident individuals that know that they can conquer anything because they have. And they have continued to push themselves to that point. So that's what, when people talk about being disciplined, there's a start of getting up in the morning, get your butt off the couch. Absolutely. No doubt about that.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Winner's win,

Dr. Troy Fox:

change your lifestyle. Don't be don't be obese. If you're trying to tell people, how to be healthy. There's just some simple little rules when you do that, but you got to embrace the suck to get there, but maybe not nearly as bad as you have to, as you go along. So that's my rant about that. And that's new research. Hopefully maybe in the next podcast, if you're lucky, I might let you know which part of the brain that is, but for now you don't need to know.

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter

Dr. Troy Fox:

showing people have longevity and live longer because of that brain center being activated. So it's become, it's going to be a big deal. And we've all

Dr. Michael Perusich:

embraced the suck somewhere along the way. If you played sports, did you love, if you play basketball or football, did you love run and win sprints? No, nobody does. I hated rolling

Dr. Troy Fox:

around in the grass crap.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, you do it because it's a means to the end. Did we all have somebody along the way who told us you're never going to be a chiropractor. You'll never make it through school. Most likely. I know I did. Did you ever have somebody tell you, Oh, you can't have a thriving practice there. I did.

Dr. Troy Fox:

I had several

Dr. Michael Perusich:

people tell me there's no way in the world you can build a successful practice there, but I did. Yeah. And if you have that winning mindset, then you learn how to cultivate the discipline to keep winning. And I can't wait to hear more about that brain research that just blows me away. The other thing that we have to do is we have to continuously learn, and I don't mean CEU credits. I know everybody gets all jazzed up about going to CEU credits, like you're going to learn something. And I don't mean that you can't, but is it really what your brain needs right Then do you, does your brain need to learn one more technique?

Dr. Troy Fox:

Yeah, that's, and that's a challenge all the time. And I think that when we're learning, sometimes it's not always just about chiropractic. Some of it is, Hey, I'm a really good chiropractor. I here's the left voice. You suck at business. Okay, get out of your box and challenge yourself. Google classes do find out from from a consulting group, like us, what's wrong with your business model? Cause it may not be how you adjust patients, but it might be your business model does suck. And you know what self evaluation. Is one of the first things that we need to do. A lot of times we do what barrier heads in the sand. So for us to learn more, the first thing we have to realize is a, I don't know everything B I probably have some deficiencies in my life that I need to address and guess what that little pinhole that you're looking at. That is saying that's the stuff that's wrong with you will open up into an opportunity as big as a dining room table. And some people go I don't want to know that many things that are wrong with me. I want to know it all. I want to know everything that's wrong with me because I might be able to very easily cherry pick a few of those items and make my life way different or attack all of it eventually. But I want to know where I am deficient in my life so I can learn more. So one of the ways you can do that, and I'm going to throw a short plug for Kats Consulting because we do an evaluation on the numbers of your practice, which are the window into your practice. And it's into the business side of it. It's into the functional side of how does everything work? And so we do this deep dive analysis into your practice. Some people don't want to hear what we have to say. You don't want to know

Dr. Michael Perusich:


Dr. Troy Fox:

the reason you're losing patients after the third visits is because your dialogue sucks. Sometimes you need to know. So some of this is a little bit of self appraisement. You have to apprise, where you're at in life and you have to look at that and you have to say, okay, here's what I got to change. And sometimes you need somebody. to help you get to that point.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Absolutely. So you, you've got to be that continuous learner and you gotta learn how to take initiative, be, and be, just be proactive. There's so many opportunities. People say all the time, I hear this my, my practice just isn't successful. Chiropractic doesn't build wealth anymore. Hogwash, you're missing the opportunities that are happening in front of you. every single day. And how do we know? Because we're talking to doctors every single day, and I'm watching you guys miss these great opportunities to be successful in your practice. And it's not just you missing them. It's your staff missing them, too.


Dr. Michael Perusich:

so you've got to learn together to watch for these opportunities. So what am I talking about? Here's a great example. Patient comes in and says Oh my gosh. I'm sorry. I'm 20 minutes late. Can I still be seeing? Yes, of course you can. What's going on? How can we relate? Every morning when I get out of bed for the last couple of weeks, my heels hurt so bad and it takes me 20 minutes to get around. And what if your staff misses that docs, do you know what that is? That might be plantar fasciitis, right? Of course. So that's an opportunity, but if nobody ever says anything to the doctor about it, or if the patient says it to the doctor, but it's not the low back pain that you're working on right now, and you miss that opportunity, then that's not being proactive. That's not taking the initiative for your practice. Opportunities are always around and people who are self driven entrepreneurs are always watching for those things and we'll take the littlest tiniest. You just called it out a minute ago. Little penhole of an opportunity and turn it into a great big opportunity. So that's part of being self driven. The other thing we have to do is we have to stay resilient. we don't build resilience into our practice into ourselves, then, when times do hit hard, when the blood, sweat and tears are pushing us down, then we're not going to get back up. We've always got to get back up. We got to bounce back from adversity, because adversity is not a bad thing. It doesn't feel like a good thing when you're going through it.


Dr. Michael Perusich:

there is growth that happens from it. We've got to learn how to be resilient enough to be able to accept that, that, that growth.

Dr. Troy Fox:

And I think we see that often where people are just so beat up, they're paralyzed. Yeah. And I hate when I see you guys like that. Truth of the matter is we've all been there. Anybody that says they haven't been beat up enough. They, yeah, but the side of a great entrepreneur is you take a pause and then usually what happens to me is then I get mad. First, I'm down on myself and sometimes I'm down on myself because of something I've done. Sometimes I'm down on myself because of something somebody else said and I let it get under my skin. But when it comes down to it, usually what happens, I get mad. And then when I get mad, I'm gonna prove you wrong. And at that point you're in trouble because Now I am willing to do whatever it takes. In other words, I'm gonna embrace the suck. Yeah. I'm gonna be resilient

Dr. Michael Perusich:

and you're gonna bounce back. I'm not

Dr. Troy Fox:

afraid. Yeah. I'm not afraid to take whatever at that point. So I think that's an important distinction. And I think when you talked earlier about somebody that said you just fell into this, it just came so easy to you. I think once you become a successful entrepreneur, you make things that really are more complicated than they look very easy as you're going through them because you've done it, you've navigated it before, so you are able to take more and more complex equations, which to me, That's why that brain center expanding and then contracting. If I get comfortable tells me that I need to continue to work harder to expand it more, that there's not just a glass ceiling that I'm going to hit. I can continue to expand that ceiling. I can be as big as I want to be. I can be the entrepreneur I want to be, or I can find a spot that I find that I'm comfortable as can be. And guess what? You can stop there if you want, you don't want, you don't have to. So there is that opportunity for you to reach any level that you want to.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

There is, it's open to anybody. And sometimes I get asked, how can you and Troy and you guys are always pushing your, you're opening a new practice. You are starting a practice. You're buying a practice. You're. Always adding clients for business coaching and so forth. What, why do you do that? Isn't there a point at which no, there's not is the answer because we don't just embrace the suck. We're addicted to it pretty much. And it for us, it's become a game. Maybe it's that center of the brain. That's just. grown out of control. I'm not sure. But this is what happens when you put yourself on a path to succeed. When you learn how to be resilient and do all these things that we've been talking about, you're proactive with your opportunities, and you see every initiative around you. Once you learn how to do that, And you build that into your mantra, it becomes just very natural. It just keeps happening and opportunities just keep jumping in front of you. I don't care where you are in practice. There's no perfect place to practice other than where you're at right now.

Dr. Troy Fox:

And you said a really great thing right there. It becomes a game. Every great entrepreneur I know, and I'm not talking about just in chiropractic. I know people in Bitcoin. I got a guy that moved to Vegas. Yes. And flew his private jet back the other day to pick up some friends to fly out to Vegas to play golf. This guy, but you know what, everybody's like, Oh, he's so lucky. He came from a family that had money already. He built this thing from the ground up. He saw an opportunity and saw it as a game. How do I get to the top of this game? And when I talked to this guy and I won't name him because I haven't asked him for permission to tell a story, but when he got to the top of his game, I actually sat down with him and I said, tell me. Just the coolest stuff of what you like started to do, what happened, how did it happen? And what, just blew your own mind while you were doing it because you like embrace this thing. And he went through the whole story and I went, whoa. It's just so cool because it was like a big old video game to him. He was like, how am I going to make this work? How am I going to get here? How am I going to get there? He turned what was a Bitcoin enterprise into server farms that are huge. He does data storage now, and he started out as a guy with a few Bitcoin miners in his garage, and he now has server farms. And is this big time businessman that flies around on his private jet? That's how you make it a game. And that's on a scale that even blew my mind.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

And there's one major point in there. He learned how to execute and that's something you have to learn how to do. If you're going to be a self driven entrepreneur, you have to learn how to execute. And this kind of goes back to procrastination. We all know how to execute. It's whether or not we have the drive to do it. So you want to add more new patients to your practice, go execute a plan to bring more new patients in. It's that simple. You want to create more revenue in your practice, execute a plan to make it happen.

Dr. Troy Fox:

I see too many of you, unfortunately, you've heard of DNF, did not finish in a race, right? DNS a lot of times, did not start. You talk a great game about how you want more new patients, but then you're not willing to put in the work to do it. And it's again, okay if you can't do that, then I can't help you. Honestly, that's how we together work with clients. And sometimes I bend your ear and bend your arm a little bit, because if I can't get you to move, if you can't move the needle, I can't help you. There has to be a little bitty fire inside of you. That's ready to go. If it's completely out, I can't start it for you. And that's. That's the important part of being resilient is that you got to have that fire there. It's got to be growing in your belly.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

It's got to be there. And you've got to learn how to adapt and innovate along the way. Far too often I see and it's not just chiropractors. We see all entrepreneurs doing this to some degree, but things Change. My gosh, the business world changes on a dime. And as technology grows and expands, it's changing faster and fast. Look what A. I. Is doing to us right now. It's creating this constant flow of change and deeper thought about things. And we've got to learn how to be flexible enough to adapt along the way and innovate our business models to keep pace because if you don't, this is where you fall behind. This is where you fall behind the competition because the role of innovation, the whole idea behind innovation is staying ahead of the competition. And I'm not talking about creating a new chiropractic technique. I'm talking about a different way to approach patients. I'm talking about a different way to make yourself look in the community. How can you continue to adapt and innovate that process so that you keep putting your uniqueness out there and you keep on that self driven path to prosperity?

Dr. Troy Fox:

Everything you guys do is either involved in an event or a narrative. And what I mean by that is this. So let's use, for example, first president Trump gets shot, right? Some guy puts out 300, 000 t shirts two days later, makes a million bucks. That's an event. It's not a narrative. A narrative is when you create. A wellness concept or a wellness lifestyle with your patients. It takes time to develop a narrative. It doesn't happen in one day. So you have to decide where am I at? And I'm, am I event driven, which sometimes chiropractors get that way, especially, I've had chiropractors say to me gosh, every time I turn around the person down the blocks doing a 1999 special, and then patients come to me and as soon as the special goes, they leave me and go to someone else and I'm like one, that's a cop out. I don't buy that. I think there's a problem with your model. In other words, are you the best?

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Patients don't leave you because of price.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Have you, my other question is are you indispensable? In other words, are you something somebody needs? And then how do you approach. The practice, do you approach it as event after event of 15 for adjustment, x rays and a massage, or is it event or is it more narrative driven? And when we talk about narrative driven practice, now all of a sudden we're creating an atmosphere. We start from day one with sight, smell, sound. When you walk through the door, it goes from there, where we start telling the chiropractic story, why this is important. And you live in a sickness model right now. That is a narrative. And so there's a whole different world. If you're not trying to sell Trump t shirts, in other words, if you're not just trying to get people in the door quick and easy, because we tend to lose a lot of money on those gimmicks anyway, that's not, and I call it a gimmick because I don't think it survives long term.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

It's certainly not the model of how you build a longstanding practice. No, there's way more

Dr. Troy Fox:

driven practice.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

You can get them to the door, but are you keeping them? You talk about event. Here's a great thought. We just went through this pandemic a couple of years ago, okay? And we had to innovate how to run a successful practice. During that time, we had to become incredibly adapted to what was going on, and we had to change our practices a little bit. And those that changed and went along with what we were helping the model did fantastic. They were shooting lights out. But let me ask you a question. Do you still have the plastic shields up in front of your front desk? Do you still have the tape on the floor for six foot distancing? Are you still wearing masks in your practice? If you did, are you doing temperature checks at the front door? Probably not. Why? Because you've adapted to what's happened post pandemic. But are you continuing to innovate? That's the whole point. Adaptability and innovation have to go hand in hand. Are you just falling back to what you did before the pandemic? Cause guess what? The business world never went back to where we were pre pandemic. And if you just slid back into the old way of doing things, then you're not being innovative and you're behind.

Dr. Troy Fox:

That's a hundred percent because we are, if you went back to the old way, you're the only one left that, that didn't, everybody else looks behind them and says, we are post pandemic driven. Whether that be in the way that you schedule patients, the way patients check in when they come into your practice, there's a lot of small changes. Did it change my adjustment? No, I still adjust patients the same way.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, but it shows the entire communication model, for example,

Dr. Troy Fox:

exactly. And that's the

Dr. Michael Perusich:

difference. So totally different. So we could talk about this stuff all day long, but you've got to learn the tenets of being a self driven entrepreneur. If you own a practice, you're not just a chiropractor, you're also an entrepreneur and we have to run our businesses. Like an entrepreneur, Troy, anything to add?

Dr. Troy Fox:

I think we have covered a ton. And quite frankly, you're going to listen to this and you're probably going to listen to it a second time and go back and go, okay, blow my mind. This isn't a motivational speech from, somebody that, that is, is trying to get you raw rod. I'm just trying to tell you what really works. And here's the thing, if you listen to what we're talking about today and you start to employ some of you start going with a 12 week cycle instead of a 52 week cycle, you start pushing yourself outside of your box on a regular basis. Those two little things right there are going to just absolutely send your practice through the roof and your personal life, because you're going to be a better person.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

A hundred percent. 100%. All right, everybody, be sure to subscribe, and share the podcast. We're growing like crazy and that's because of you as our listeners. So we appreciate you guys out there. Hey, if you ever have a topic you want to hear us banter around throw it our way, send it to Troy at Kats Consultants, and we'll be happy to try to work it into our show. So on behalf of everybody at Kats Consultants, I also want to thank ChiroHealth USA for being one of our sponsors Transcribed Be sure to tune in every week because we do this out of the love for chiropractic and the love for watching you guys be successful. And I'm going to add one more thing in. If you think we need a podcast theme song, let us know.

Dr. Troy Fox:

We'll see what we can come up with. I think we need a podcast theme. So I think we need one. Ren and Stampy had one, didn't they? Oh, they weren't a podcast,

Dr. Michael Perusich:

but let's see who cares, if their cartoon had one, we need one too. All right, everybody, we're going to be ran and who gets to be stamped. We'll have to work that out off camera. All right, everybody. Thanks for tuning into the KC Chiro Pulse podcast brought to you by Kats consultants and Chiro health USA. We will see you next time. See ya.

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