Kats Chiropractic Consultants CHIROpulse

200 Special Topics in Chiropractic Business Management

Marisa Mateja

Welcome to the KC CHIROpulse Podcast.  

This week’s topic:   Special Topics in Chiropractic Business Management

The KC CHIROpulse Podcast is designed for Chiropractic professionals ready to elevate their practice to new heights, and is hosted by Kats Consultants coaches Dr Michael Perusich, Marisa Mateja, and Dr Troy.  Perusich, Mateja, and Fox are all seasoned experts in Chiropractic business development.  Our 200th episode provides invaluable insights and actionable strategies to help you create a flourishing and sustainable Chiropractic business.

In this special edition 200th episode, we discuss:

  • What is the outlook for Chiropractic business success
  • How reflecting on profitability brings the right mindset to practice
  • What is the biggest trap and deterrent to your success
  • Why you may be tracking the wrong stats
  • …and so much more…

In each episode of KC CHIROpulse, we delve into crucial aspects of building a successful Chiropractic practice, covering topics such as establishing a strong foundation, adopting a patient-centric approach, mastering marketing techniques, achieving financial fitness, fostering effective team building and leadership, integrating technology and innovation, and navigating common challenges in the field.

Whether you're a seasoned chiropractor or just starting your practice, the KC CHIROpulse Podcast offers a wealth of knowledge and personalized practical advice to help you navigate the intricate world of Chiropractic business. Join us on this journey as we explore proven strategies, share success stories, and connect with industry experts to empower you in your pursuit of building a thriving Chiropractic practice.

Don't miss out on the latest insights and expert guidance. Subscribe now and unlock the secrets to taking your Chiropractic practice to the next level. Your success is our priority at Kats Chiropractic Business Advisors.

DISCLAIMER:  The information presented in this broadcast is for educational purposes only and is not intended to offer legal, investment, accounting, or medical advice, and represents the opinions of the speakers.  Seek the consultation of a professional for advice in those areas. And remember…your results using this information may be different than described.

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KC CHIROpulse Podcast. Helping Chiropractors keep their pulse on success. Thanks for listening.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Doctors, are you reflecting on your practice growth? Hi, everybody. Welcome to the KC Chiro Pulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and Chiro Health USA. I'm Dr. Michael Perusich, your host. I'm joined with my co hosts today, plural, Dr. Troy Fox and Marissa Matea. Hey, we're celebrating The beginning of our third season of our podcast, we're selling celebrating episode number 200. This is a huge milestone, you guys.

Marisa Mateja:

Yeah. Can you believe that? That's a lot of recordings and a lot of business knowledge out there for all of the chiropractors in the. Yeah,

Dr. Michael Perusich:

and that's what our podcast is all about is just giving you good insights into managing a profitable chiropractic practice, because we believe everybody has the ability and the right to be able to drive profit in your practice. And we see so many doctors that are struggling with that and. Our podcast is just here to help you.

Dr. Troy Fox:

We've done so many episodes that I've lost my hair. I had hair, I think initially when we first started doing this and now I'm completely bald. So I'm not sure what I'm going to do for episode 400, but disappear here. I'm not sure. I don't know. I

Dr. Michael Perusich:

don't know. We'll find something.

Dr. Troy Fox:


Dr. Michael Perusich:

I thought. We were kicking this around before we jumped on here, but I think it's a great idea if we just talk a little bit today about reflection and reflecting on the past and how that drives us into the future and what that looks like for chiropractic from a profitability standpoint as we go into the brand new year.

Marisa Mateja:

It's a great topic for the beginning of the year. Most practices need that reflection to know what their patterns are, what's happening with their practice, what's going to be trending, in the practice.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

So part of how we reflect is we look backwards at our statistics, because our statistics are always in the past. So for example, How much did you do in services last month or last year? How much did you do in collections last month or last year? Every your stats are always in the past, but we can take those stats and we can trend them or forecast them forward to see where the practice is headed. And this is really important when you're analyzing your businesses to reflect on those numbers, both in a past tense as well as a future tense of where are they taking us?

Dr. Troy Fox:

Absolutely. I think you can also look. Unfortunately, a lot of times we look at numbers and we tend to bury our heads and quit looking at the numbers if they're not what we want them to be. If it's not wow, I had a fabulous year. I can't wait to tell all the other chiropractors I know about how great a year I had. And, because we have a lot of that, when you go to convention, right? Or somebody says, Hey, How many new patients did you see last month, any visits? I didn't look at my stats. I haven't looked at them this month. What did you do though? And so I think sometimes we look at that and we bury our heads when we look backwards. I see when we've had a bad month or a bad year, even maybe we haven't done as well as we wanted. It gives us an opportunity to look ahead as well. So there's the behind and ahead. But if you're not able to objectively look behind you and say, wow, what we've done is fantastic, let's tweak this a little. Then you have to look ahead and say, okay, what are we going to do? In the future, because I think in a lot of cases, what happens is we put our tail between our legs and we get stuck. I see people that get stuck all the time because they're no longer looking at the past. They're not looking at the statistics. They're not, and I guess they get stuck where they're at because of that, because they're afraid at that point or paralyzed to move.

Marisa Mateja:

And I think you brought something really interesting up, asking what your friends are doing. And I think that is a trap. I think that's a trap that a lot of doctors get into it. I'm going to compare my practice to your practice when Realistically, they may not even be comparable, you may have way different services, way different employees, way different patients coming in, the type of patients you're seeing. There's so many different factors that you almost have to be careful about comparing yourself to others because it may not be comparable,

Dr. Michael Perusich:

but that's so true. If you tell me what your new patient numbers are or your patient visits or, those numbers, those simple numbers that we like to throw around. It has no, it tells me nothing about your practice because here's what we really need to know to understand your practice is your profitability and in our profession. Unfortunately, we have a tendency to get stuck on four or five simple numbers like patient visits, new patients, services, collections, and Troy, yours and mine favorite. The patient visit average, which by themselves, the old PVA by themselves, those numbers don't mean anything. We got to look deeper. And that's why with our clients, we do a 40 point statistical analysis every single month, because we're always reflecting backwards on what we did so that we can project forward what we're going to do in the future. And part of that projection forward is making sure that we're setting good. Achievable goals as well. And

Dr. Troy Fox:

yeah, your 40 points that you do is the path to profitability. Literally that's what the whole 40 points are for. So it isn't one of those things where we're leading you 800 different directions. That is the whole point of looking at your statistics is so we actually have a measurable number because that's what you were just talking about. And the truth of the matter is we have looked at a lot of numbers in the past that are very easily manipulated. And they don't really do anything for you in the long run. They don't generate a better future for you, a quicker or more solid retirement plan. What they do is they give you a feel good. Oh, my PVA is this or my new patients are this, or my visits are this. And instead, when you look at profitability, if I'm 13 percent more profitable than I was three years ago, holy cow,

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, I'm going in the right direction. Let's look at, yeah.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Let's say you generated 200, 000 in profit last year and you're 13 percent more profitable, I'm not a mathematician, but comes up to in the tens of thousands of dollars, all of a sudden in profitability, now we're talking about real numbers that I like now we're talking shark tank numbers. Right. That's why I like the 40 point plan and I like profitability because I like to make money and I'm not going to be shy about that because you know what your medical counterparts aren't your dental counterparts aren't your optometrist counterparts aren't we're all running businesses and unfortunately as chiropractors sometimes we want to say oh I don't really worry about the money side of things sure you don't and if you don't then you probably aren't doing as well as you should.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, your rent, your mortgage company, your car payment company. They all care. They all care that you're making a profit or they're going to take that, that shiny new car away from you. So we need to take a quick break here. We're from our sponsors, but when we come back, I want to continue talking about the numbers and projecting forward. And I want to talk a little bit about goals. So hang tight, everybody we're celebrating our 200th episode, our third season of Chiro Pulse podcast. So we're so glad you're here. We'll be right back.

ChiroHealth USA:

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Dr. Michael Perusich:

All right, everybody. Welcome back to the KC ChiroPulse podcast brought to you by Kats Consultants and ChiroHealth USA. We are talking about projection and looking forward, looking backwards, reflecting, so that we can project where the practice is going. And all at the same time today, we're celebrating our 200th episode. I just, I'm still in shock about that. It's crazy.

Marisa Mateja:

It is crazy.

Dr. Troy Fox:

I want to know where the cake is. Where's the cake at?

Marisa Mateja:

It'll be delivered later.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

That's funny. That's funny. So before the break, we were talking a little bit about we were diving deep, really into numbers and really drilling down and analyzing your practice way beyond the simple statistics that we throw around in the profession. Quite a bit. And why is that important? You guys? It's important because we have to understand the deep seated numbers of our practice. So we know that we know where we're going. Those numbers are what kind of give you the roadmap going into the future. And then we tie our goals to it. We use those numbers to, to build our goals, which give us those strategies and action steps to keep pushing forward with growth over time.

Marisa Mateja:

I think it also gives us a place to start with procedures as well, our procedures, there we go. Really working for the practice or do they need to be tweaked? Do they need to be changed? Do they need to be improved in the future based on what our goals are and what we've been doing? So there's a lot of things that tie into that, not just our goals and where we want to be, but it's how do we get there? And those are those procedural steps.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Okay. So let's talk about, let's unpack that a little bit from a statistical standpoint, when we analyze our numbers every month, we can see. Changes in things. So maybe we see patient visits bouncing up and down. Is that a procedural problem? Are we hitting the capacity ceiling? Do we need to modify our procedures? Are we seeing big new patients one month, big new patient numbers one month, and then dropping down the next month? Are we seeing our dropouts? going up and down. Your numbers tell you so many things of where you need to tweak. And if you've got a capacity issue, for example, Marissa, to piggyback on what you were saying, you may need to do a procedural change of how you flow patients through the office, how you're scheduling patients, those kind of things. But it's in your stats that you see those numbers. Those things,

Marisa Mateja:

The other factor for chiropractic assistance out there is that looking forward is interesting when you take into account the schedule. So when you look forward, how many patients do you see on your calendar? When you look out six, eight, 12 weeks, if you don't see patients on there. Don't panic as the owner, but there's some procedural things that definitely need to be changed in how you're scheduling.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I'm pretty sure we just heard some gasps and some awes from podcast space as these, as doctors listening, go and look at their schedule eight, 12 weeks out. And it's a great exercise. Go look what's on the books. What are you looking forward to? If there's not much on the books, there, there might be a great procedural change to make there.

Marisa Mateja:

I think we get stuck in that 30 day window so often that it affects how far we can look out sometimes. And I see this a lot of times with staff they're like, Oh we just schedule one visit at a time. Wow. Look beyond what's the next step, don't get stuck looking. So close to where you're at excited to look further out, and that, that goes for the whole practice, everything you're doing.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. Don't be afraid to do that.

Dr. Troy Fox:

Back to staff too. When we start talking about procedural stuff that in a lot of cases, we have to be careful too, that we don't overload our staff and that. So we're talking to staff and we're going, Hey, we're going to do this. We're going to do that. And all they see is more work. So if you can make life more efficient. For your staff, you're going to love the changes. Hey, if we do advance multiple scheduling and we schedule 12 visits or 18 visits or 24 visits for this patient, what wants so much easier. I have people that schedule out for the year. We just literally, so literally in January, people are coming in with their calendars going, okay, Bridget, let's get stuff scheduled or okay, Kaylee, let's get stuff scheduled. Here's the other thing. Sometimes throwing a little caveat on what we just did in our practice was, it was added and you guys are all familiar with the Aloha software. We just added that into, which is the review wave. So we just, we added that in our office because my staff was looking for ways to be more efficient. And so for me, it's a bit of a reward for my staff in addition to the fact that it makes us more efficient. So if you can combine the two when you're looking forward and you can get staff involvement in that, my staff's all excited right now. Not only did we become more efficient for the staff, we became more efficient for the practice. It's a win when we do things like that. So there are times when you can get staff involvement when you're looking forward, and I think that's a big part of what we need to do as well because you can't do it on your own.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, you try. I think you bring up a great point about efficiency, becoming masters, if you will, of efficiency, Ising, I'm going to make up a word of making your practice more efficient is part of the path to growth because you can't grow if you don't get more efficient, and think about it. If you add services, now you got one more thing to do. If you don't make that service and the entire process efficient. It's hard to drive the revenue. If you want to grow your patient visits and your patient flow changes, you have to become more efficient to make it work effectively, otherwise you won't grow. So I think efficiency is just inbred, if you will, into that whole idea of growing your practice.

Marisa Mateja:

What I'm hearing is it takes a lot of planning and it takes a lot of time to stop, slow down and actually spend the time with your staff to go over what the goals are, what are, what have we reflected on and what is the growth going to look like and what are those steps, what are those planning steps to get there. So spend time, not in patient time, a hundred percent of the day, spend a little bit of time in that planning mode.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah, I think that's incredibly important. You have to be intentional about your strategic planning and making sure that it's happening. And, earlier this last year, we, in, in our mastermind program, we studied the 12 week year. And wow, what a game changer to be strategically planning all the time, so that you're constantly tweaking, you're shedding, you're setting shorter term goals for yourself, which are easier to attain, and so this has to be like Marissa said, this has to be a team effort. So becoming intentional about team training, team development, those kinds of things. And we hear a lot of doctors say, Oh, I don't want to spend patient time doing those kinds of things. Wow. You're missing a huge opportunity for growth by turning your team, not into task doers, but into revenue partners for you. And really being that partnership that helps you grow that practice and take it to where you want it to go.

Marisa Mateja:

Yeah, they've got to be on board. They have to know what's happening and what the plan is and where we're going. So spend time with them and reflect and talk about what's going to happen in 2025. I think that's so important for everybody on your team to be involved.

Dr. Michael Perusich:


Dr. Troy Fox:

I think when you add into that as well, and you start creating revenue partners, I think you brought an important point up shortening that amount of time. When we're goal setting, I think a lot of us learned how to goal set for a year. And again, it's too long of a period. When we start narrowing that down, what happens is there's urgency, everything's on the front burner and it becomes important at that point to take action or you're not going to reach your goal. So you set your goals in a way that you can get on fire. I feel like I'm running around, I don't have hair anymore, but if I did run around with my hair on fire. trying to make that happen. But when I involved my staff and that is funny how a lot of times I'll be with patients and I'll come out over the lunch hour and find out the two or three action steps have already been taken. We're doing it as a team because we all know that it's, it needs to be done. It's not needing to be done by September. It needs to be done by the end of this month. You know that when you're doing that, you're enough that maybe like for us, we're in January right now. I'm already and I literally and some people maybe plan out for the year. I have a rough sketch of what I'm going to do marketing wise for the year, but sometimes that changes because maybe you bought a new piece of equipment or you're adding a new service in your practice and you want to get the word out. We're planning for March right now already. We've already got February done. And so from a goal setting standpoint, I want to make sure that we stay two months ahead. So there's little things that you can do and your staff gets engaged in that because once they see if the action steps get taken, that they become involved in it, it makes everybody's lives easier. And I think we all enjoy that. We all like easy street. Nobody likes to swim upstream except salmon. And I'm not sure why they like to swim, swim upstream. I'm not a biologist.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I think it has something to do with bears, when it comes to staff too, you've got to keep them plugged in. And you've got to have constant team communication. And, some of it's really simple. Maybe it's just a quick huddle in the morning before you get started with patients for the day. Maybe it's that weekly staff meeting. Maybe you have a quarterly strategic planning session, which a lot of our members do because we recommend that. It's those kinds of things. It's those opportunities to really connect as a team. Think about it. Can you imagine a football team not ever having any Intra team communication at all, they just come in, get dressed, go out and go on the field and play a football game. How good do you think they'd be? They'd be terrible because they have to learn things about each other to be able to play as a team. You have to understand each other. You have to be used to each other. You have to know how to communicate with each other. And the more you do it. The better it gets, the more fluid it gets. And again, it goes back to practice growth. You want to grow your practice, grow your team first.

Marisa Mateja:

Spend the time doing little things like a communication type quiz to find out what kind of communication you typically provide to others. Find out what those personalities look like. Those are simple little things that you can do, and it tells you so much about the people that you're working with and it allows you that growth.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yep. Team, team development truly is the fertilizer to grow your practice.

Dr. Troy Fox:

And I think you brought up a really great analogy of that, of just walking out onto the field on Friday night under the lights and you've never even practiced. You just came in. You don't even know where your shoulder pads are at. Chiropractors, sometimes that's what we see in offices is literally the doc doesn't want to deal with it. He throws his hands or she throws their hands up and they're usually males. Sorry guys, but it's true. Women are a little more engaged males. A lot of times we want to dart in the back door Start seeing patients. And the second the last patient gets adjusted before that patient even hits therapy, you're on your way out the back door again. And you don't have time for staff development. When you do that, you'd be amazed if you actually take the time, but it is, it's literally like walking on the field on Friday evening going, Hey, has anybody seen my shoulder pads? The game starts in five minutes.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. And all that does is create chaos. Yeah. Yeah. So we need to take another quick break here to take a word from our sponsors. But when we come back we're really today celebrating our 200th episode, which is super exciting. Our third season of the KC ChiroPulse podcast, and we appreciate all the listeners out there, but we'll be right back. I want to continue talking about this whole idea of reflection and how that plays into growth. We'll be right back.

Kats Consultants:

Kats Chiropractic Consultants your partner in chiropractic success. We are dedicated with one on one guidance to bring you all your practice management needs. Let's supercharge your practice. Give us a call today.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

All right, everybody. Welcome back to the KC ChiroPulse podcast. We are celebrating our 200th episode. We're so excited you're here today. Cause we're talking about reflecting on growth. I personally think this is going to be a great year for the chiropractors who are watching for opportunities. You got to watch for opportunities. It's not going to fall in your lap, but if you're really astute at watching for opportunities and you're laying the groundwork to grow your practice, I think you're going to see huge profits this year. If you play the game, right?

Marisa Mateja:

Yeah. And what are your plans? Troy brought up marketing, what are your plans look like for growth and getting out in the community and what is your social media look like? How's your website doing? How's your Google? My business, all of these things are important factors in planning out what's going to happen next. So if you don't have a good plan, right? That strategic planning session once a quarter is a great time to really talk through what are our marketing efforts going to look like? Where are we going to place our dollars? What things that can we do that don't cost us money and how do we still get in front of people? There's opportunities everywhere. So look into some of those things that you can do and make sure you're planning those things out as well. That includes all of your posts for social media folks.

Dr. Troy Fox:

That's and that's a good point with the poster social media because there's a really simple one that costs nothing consistency brings views. And it brings reach because you're going to get more reach the more consistent you guys all know this already You see people that post every day Always popping up in your feed if you're posting every day And there are rules to this marissa will tell you that we don't want to just do static posts all the time You need to do you need to do some videos you need to get out there and endear yourself to the crowd That's looking at you because they're going to get bored with looking at your posts, but reach improves as soon as you have consistency That's a free one That's a really easy one. Now you can boost posts and all that, but that one gets more reach. It's, and if you do lives you're going to get more engagement because people are actually going to want to hear what you have to say. It's really, it's really amazing what we can do with social media and the reach that you guys have, but a lot of you're just absolutely silent on social media or your post once every three months. Guess what? Three people saw your post.

Dr. Michael Perusich:


Dr. Troy Fox:

or less

Marisa Mateja:

Yeah, and you made a good point video is it's where it's at I don't that's Yeah, you have to do video you have to get in front of the camera and if you're scared It's okay. There's a delete button. Redo it. That's the gem of recording something, is you can do it till you like it. So don't be scared. Just make sure that you're keeping in front of people. They need to see your face. They need to see you. They need to see your personality so that they know they can connect with you.

Dr. Troy Fox:

And if you think you feel weird about it, now that we got TikTok back, I know that 48 hours, I don't

Marisa Mateja:

think it was even 48, was

Dr. Troy Fox:

it now, but if you want to feel better about yourself, go on TikTok and watch some of the live feeds on there, there are some interesting people on those live feeds and people set and watch them so you don't have to be the most beautiful person in the room. You just have to have a topic. And in most cases, most of what you're going to talk about, people are actually interested in. I've had people come in all the time that asked me questions that I could actually go alive on. So when patients are asking you questions in the office, those are good things to do live content on because people are asking that question.

Marisa Mateja:

They're asking you, somebody else wants to know, that's always my philosophy on it. If you've got a patient asking you those questions, then others want to know the information as well.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

And if you're not comfortable doing videos and things be intentional about practicing, because when you practice, you get better at it. So people ask me all the time, how did you get to be a good public speaker? I do it all the time. It just, it's just practice and being intentional about wanting to get better. So don't just set your phone down. I don't want to do it. Grab your phone and just do some practice ones, do three or four a week, just as practice. Don't post them if you don't want to, you got to practice. So you got to be intentional about these things. And honestly, this goes back to team development. Your entire team should be involved in this process

Marisa Mateja:

for sure. And have fun with it. I can't tell you enough. Patients want to see you in a lighter manner as well. So have fun. It doesn't always have to be just educational. Have some fun, relax a little bit and enjoy the fact that you're just getting in front of people.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

It's exactly right. Okay. So we need to wrap up here. So I've got one question for both of you. I'm going to answer the question too, but I want to hear you guys first. What is your what is one practice growth tip that we can give the audience today?

Dr. Troy Fox:

I'm ready immediately. Cause I do this every day. And when I don't do it. I can tell the difference in my practice. When you come into your practice every morning and here's where I want you to be. Remember how I talked about the person a little while ago that buzzes in the back door, starts seeing patients and buzzes out. I walk in the back door, I come to the front, I make sure I'm here before patients, usually at least 30 minutes before, if not 45 minutes to an hour before. So that way I can get all my personal and office junk, I call it junk, but all the little extraneous things I need to do that are not patient care out of the way. Then the first thing I do is I set and as a person that prays, I pray every day and I ask, I say, God, please give me the constitution. Give me the will and give me the ability. At this point to focus solely 100 percent on my patients this morning when I'm in the office, I want to target just that patient. I don't want to be thinking about, I love golf, but I don't want to be thinking about golf while I'm working with patients. I don't want to be focused on what I'm having for lunch or what's going on with my staff. Focus solely on patients. And so that's that. It's amazing what just that little thing when you walk. I literally walked out the door this morning and I told myself because sometimes you go through little ebbs and flows. I had a little ebb probably the last week or two where I haven't been as laser focused. because I've been running in the door a little bit later because it's been cold out. I've been scraping ice and it's just, it sucks to get outside right now. And so I just have not done as well. This morning I walked out the door and I said, I'm going to be laser focused on patients again today. And so I think that's an important one.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Yeah. I always said a very similar little prayer right before I'd start for the day. Yep. Yep. Marissa, how about you?

Marisa Mateja:

So I would talk to the CAs probably out there. I would make sure that you understand where your numbers are, what your goals are, and really be looking ahead. And making sure that you see who's on, who's not, and then paying attention to who are the patients that slipped out the door? Who are the patients that don't have advanced multiple scheduling done? What does their treatment plan look like? And take that treatment plan and make sure when they come in, you're saying, Hey, in our office, we're going to get you scheduled. We're going to save that spot for you. And I'm going to make sure that you've got a schedule looking forward and you give that to them before they leave. Spend the time to focus in on your schedule, and you will see a dramatic change in the practice very quickly.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

Love it. Sound advice, both of you. So I think my practice tip for growth is a triad. And it's Deep analyzing your statistics and understanding what they're telling you, because that then drives your goal setting process, which is then driven by your strategic planning process, where you set the action steps to make it all happen. So each one of those drives the next, and in my opinion, I'm a numbers guy That's the part of practice that never lies to you. It tells you the truth every time. And sometimes that truth hurts a little bit, but when you understand how to analyze them and then take the analysis and turn it into forecasting future profits, when you turn it into your goal setting and then use it to create those action steps to make goal settings stick, to meet those goals. That's when you're really driving your practice like a true entrepreneur. All right, everybody. Wow. This is great. I appreciate both of you as my co hosts on this project. We when we first started this three years ago, we weren't really sure how it was going to go, but because of you guys, the listeners out there, we have grown like crazy. So we appreciate all of you tuning in every week. Please like share, tell your colleagues about our program, because it's just good. nuts and bolts business to run a successful chiropractic practice. So cheers to both of you guys for our 200th episode. I appreciate you both and appreciate everybody out there. So make sure you go to cats, consultants. com. Check out everything we do. I love it. Marissa, that was cute. Check out everything we do. We got some free downloads on there. And by all means, if you want to schedule a time to talk to us about your practice, we do that for free. Feel free to jump on our calendar. So anything else to add guys?

Marisa Mateja:

No, I think that's great.

Dr. Michael Perusich:

I can't wait till episode 400 and see what we're going to do. Yeah, that'd be fun. All right, everybody from all of us here at cats consultants. Thanks for tuning in. We appreciate you listening to the KC ChiroPulse podcast. We'll see you next time.

Dr. Troy Fox:

See y'all later.